Ignore or confront?

Ah yes…the old ‘pelvic thrust’…works like a charm with the “proper frosty cunts”…Time Warp anyone?[/quote]

LOL, I guess the hands on hips gets people excited (they think a thrust is coming), maybe crossing arms would suffice.

Step aside amateurs.
A lot of you are aware of my ESL Hardman reputation, and that in certain circles I’m known as “The Kindy Enforcer.” You’ve probably heard my catch phrase, “No yellow markers on my watch!” without realizing that I coined it.

Well, what many of you may not know is that I moon… let me finish… I moonlight as a private investigator. That’s right, I’m a PI, or private dick if you prefer.

I can see quite clearly what has happened in this case. Time for another of my catch phrases: “follow the booze”. If you follow the booze, you get to the bottom of things… um, figuratively speaking of course.
Baas Babelaas (let’s call him “the sheep”) recently quit drinking. That’s right - very suspicious. Not just wanting to cut back but quitting thereby suggesting guilt. When do people quit the drink? That’s right - after an “incident.”
The woman in question (let’s call her “the Bavarian maid”) doesn’t drink.

Okay, here’s what probably happened.

The Sheep and the Bavarian Maid were at some work-related social function. The Bavarian Maid had a drink and let her guard down. The Sheep - who was completely rat-arsed - made a move. She resisted at first but gave in. How far they went we can only imagine.

The problem is that the Sheep drank too much and did not remember the incident the following morning. However, subconsciously he felt guilt and remorse. Wanting to cleanse himself of this guilt, he decided to give up the booze and fags, and to buy a tailor-made suit.

The Bavarian Maid was angry with herself for that moment of folly, but she was angrier that the Sheep never followed up with his advances and promise, and that he pretended as if nothing had happened. The Bavarian Maid sometimes found herself staring coldly at the Sheep wondering how he could be so cruel. She decided to move away, but because of financial difficulties has to wait until the end of the semester.

Case closed.

Good one, AJ! :popcorn:

No, The Shrewd Sheep didn’t make any advances, the Canadian Chambermaid aint his bag. Plus he’s never seen her outside of their workplace, plus she’s married off to Steve the Seppo.

Anyways, Shrwed Sheep has her on Ignore now. Problem solved, methinks.

IF you dont MIND, it doesnt MATTER . Cant change the situ, look inwards and affect change THERE.

What about a wing chun finger jab then ? :ponder:

And now let’s all sing together…

Ignore the locals,
Ignore the locals,
shooo be dooo be doooo

one more time…

Hit it like a StormTrooper

I agree. Ask someone whom you know will blab “in confidence” if you want the woman to know you’re curious. Ask someone whom you trust to stay quiet but tell you the truth if it’s just to sate your curiosity.

Or just leave it well enough alone. Do you really have time in your life for all the “fever and chills” when most of the people you work with are nice and add a positive vibe to your life? If they want to play mind games, let them have a go. They may warm up again when they realize you don’t care.

Her and her husband are outta here in three months. I won’t be stirring up any trouble. Nemesis, you’re right - I have plenty of good people to mingle with, and I only have to see her sour face fleetingly a couple of times a week.

I won’t be going to their farewell (non) party, that’s a given.