IKEA Dunhua in Taipei closed on 26 April 2021 - reopened but no furniture

Hahahahaha. That’s actually terrifying…the MRT is across the street, so that would make me worried the whole intersection is compromised.

This news makes me…I don’t think “sad” is the right word. I’ve only been in there to wander, and ordered a dresser once but had to wait a week because it wasn’t in stock, but I was just saying the other day how convenient Taipei is because we even have an Ikea across from an MRT stop in the middle of the city. Not that that makes Taipei less convenient…and there are plenty of buses that go to Costco Neihu.

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It’s the reverse of how I felt when the Guandu Costco opened. “Yay! Finally a Costco branch that’s easily accessible by MRT! Yay Taipei and its public transit!” Any time the city moves more towards things being out from the center, less readily accessible, it’s a bit of a loss.

The parking is trash too…

The original location was designed like an underground labyrinth, a serious fire hazard if you ask me. I mean, customers need to be able to see and reach escape doors in a hurry in an emergency, not get lost in a maze when there’s smoke… Always gave me the creeps. Hated it. And I hate being railroaded through all the bloody areas of a store. I want to be able to walk straight to the section I want. Dunno if the new place will be different.


That railroading is very much an IKEA design thing. But yes, totally hear you on the claustrophobic element to that particular branch.


They’re all a one way labyrinth. That’s what IKEA’s all about. And Swedish Meatballs.

Though the Taiwanese ones have $10 ice cream that’s actually fairly good quality. Props!


They have shortcuts!


I went here today to get lunch before it closes for good. Seems everyone in the area had the same idea—queue was huge. Literally out of the restaurant area.

Shame its closing. Was a handy place to get a cheapish, niceish lunch.


Darn, no more place to nap!


At least Taipei has a great and comprehensive public transportation system. It would be a shame if everything was moved to Neihu and New Taipei, but it’s not like in the US where once something leaves the city center you need a car 100% of the time to get to the new location. And the MRT just keeps expanding…

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Yup, absolutely. I think part of my “Oh no, Neihu?!” reaction is a Danshui thing - from my part of town, Neihu is a royal pain to get to.


Neihu is for the rich! Rich dont care there is no mrt stop…

For many of us it matter how nice and big it is if it’s way the hell out in Neihu. I go to IKEA because it’s quick and convenient. It won’t be now.

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Really? I furnished over half my apartment from there, including a king sized bed and sofa. I found it quite useful.


Exactly. At least this one was a manageably-sized and centrally-located one-way labyrinth. It was pretty easy to get to and through by IKEA standards. In the US they all involve a trip out to the burbs, which seems to be the model they are moving toward here, unfortunately.


Boo whoo , ikea is never about convience its about dreaming and spending all day wondering.
Like a day trip once a year for most. Im from the u s of a NW to be exact seattle ikea is not even in seattle its 30-45 minutes south in a heavy industrial area and they opened a new mega large location just a couple years ago around the corner,
Portland ikea is near the airport in no mans land … neihu is not that bad . Ikeas delivers dont they?

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Oh you could go and see the showroom, but there was hardly any warehouse space to actually keep any stock.

It was usually delivered from the other branches.

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Yeah, I won’t be making any trips to the other Ikeas.

Anyone know if they’re having a “all stock must go” closing down sale?


I just want the Power Mac G5 they use as a prop.

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And assemble on request.