this for real?

Slander of who. You are quick to get into legal stuff here.

In general I don’t send my kids to schools where directors spread conspiracies about Jews or other crazy nonsense.

Dinosaurs existed ok.

This thread is about iLearn. So when you are writing on this thread saying “don’t send kids to this school (or ‘schools’)” it can be considered slander as the topic is about iLearn and the owner of it. - So the link is obvious.

Also remember that in Taiwan the onus is on YOU and not the business to prove it wasn’t slander. Also the threshold for proving it isn’t, is high unless you are a journalist.

I said I wouldn’t send my kids to a school led by crazy people.
Thats not slander or libel.

I don’t know who owns ilearn, or what ilearn folks are talking about.

There are different ilearns in Taiwan so I am not referring to ANY ilearns schools in Taiwan or anywhere.

They could all be great schools NOW.

Just in general I am stating ‘I dont send my kids to schools run by people who could be crazy’


This. The longer I am here, the more I realize how exploitative some expats are regarding utilizing the “blind spots” people (understandably) have here regarding foreign cultures. The crazies slip through so much easier, as the extent of their issues is obscured by such massive cultural and linguistic differences, and perhaps also too much surface-level optimism that exists towards Westerners here, on average.

While I currently and will continue to believe it should be done altruistically, I can see potential for a business model that provides a service for people here (or perhaps anywhere where this a massive cultural/language difference) that helps them determine if the foreign person they are friends with/dating, or the foreign company they are engaging with, actually has their head screwed on straight and would not be deemed problematic if they behaved the same way in their home culture as they did in Taiwan. Taiwanese that have been abroad obviously will have much better BS detectors when it comes to this kinda stuff on average.

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I don’t think so, but it is an opinion like any other.

14 posts were split to a new topic: Are dinosaurs real

According to his new FB English learning page, he arrived in Taiwan in January. So the move back to Canada lasted 3 months.

This’ll be why,

Ever since I first checked out his website a few years ago–thanks to this thread–I’ve given it a wide berth. However, because this thread popped up again, I decided to check out his Facebook page a bit. This review that he gave to a bookstore was telling…

ilearn review

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What’s the new page?

Ha! That’s awful. I’m surprised any book store would carry it.