I'm an acupuncturist (OMD) in Taipei

Hello Joey. My family really loves trsditional and accupuncture. It has really helped us in the past.
We are currently living in Tainan and will. E here for three years studying at NCKU. Do you know any doctors down south?

I had a friend who was learning accupuncture in Kaohsiung ten years ago. Her teacher really helped me when I was in a car accident back than. However, I have been unable to regain contact. Besides, with two little girls, school and work schedules, travel, even just to Kaohsiung is complicated.
Thank you for your advice!

PS: my wife has chronic back pain and accupuncture is the only thing that has ever helped.
She was Improving with it in Mexico, but has gotten worse since we left and she stopped treatment.