I'm applying for UberEats. Do they accept foreigners? And how do they get paid hourly or from number of deliveries you make or?

I’m applying for UberEats. Do they accept foreigners? And how do they get paid hourly or from number of deliveries you make or?

Why doesn’t anyone use the search function and first read and then post in existing threads?

Check this thread OP @Unubbbbbb


because in that thread people didn’t really answer his question nor mine. None of the people who answered actually worked or applied for UberEats. that’s why.


Exactly. Many Forumosa threads are long and unweildly. They aren’t the gospel.


I’ve seen what appear to be foreigners. One guy I see a few times. He dresses chillaxed like at the beach.

Probably need to speak and read Chinese for times when directions are unclear. I’ve seen Ubereats scooter going up and down a street, stopping to look at phone, then up and down street again.

Also, guess need appropriate work authority.

I don’t know much.

Legally, you can take any Job a local can take except those jobs that require special licenses or security clearances.
come to think of it, a number of years ago there was a guy who wanted to get a license to be captain and handle passengers. I think he knew everything to pass the test but the government did not want to open it to non-citizens. So he could not take the test so he could not get the license to be a captain. This was way over 10 years ago. Does anybody have an update?

Fify. :slightly_smiling_face:

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That’s a good indication of the answer you’ll get.


I believe the original poster was an APARC holder by marriage. Unless I’m mistaken, all APARCs and the spouse of a citizen have unlimited work rights.
That’s liberal enough.
I put in the time under my whip cracking lying, cheating and stealing boss even with my APARC because the idea open work permits came several months to a couple years later.
No country offers open work rights to contract employees or students from other countries.
You put in the time as a wage slave or indentured servant or sell yourself to marriage to get instant work rights, that was something I didn’t have.
When the Joining Spouse Visa came out and I was talking about it, my boss actually took me aside and told me my choice. I could keep his visa and continue working or go under my wife’s visa and not be allowed to work.
Unbeknownst to him, they separated the work permit from the Visa and I had my shiny new Joining Spouse ARC in my back pocket patting it a couple of times.
Dang Libel laws. It’s been more than twenty years. I live in a small town and still want to expose this guy for what he did but that’s another story.


I’ve run into the issue a few times where legally you can take mostly any job with open work rights but in practice the company won’t hire a foreigner with even an APRC. 2 large Taiwanese banks have told me this. So while legally you can, nothing is there to force them to hire you.

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A little law suit or creative negotiation could solve that problem. Back in the day we had a great advocate, Richard Hartzel who could have helped. He was instrumental at creating many of the laws we enjoyed today. He was the legal moderator on this board. He retired and dropped out. I was probably one of the many “probono clients” that helped drive him from the position.
Seriously, if you want to work for a bank, you have special talent. Why are they turning you away? You obviously are literate in the language and know finance.
Have you checked with the immigration lawyers? I think there were a couple advertised on this board over time

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I’ll reply more later but why Richard Hartzell was so effective was if I remember he was a lawyer and so had a lot of connections in the government. He then tenaciously went after these unfair laws.
I’d love to get an audience with government reps here but if someone is a nobody with no guanxi its harder to get an audience.


We need another Hartzel. He was great. He was so good that he was created Xerox adminstrative appeals for the various roadblocks the government gave us when it came to driver’s licenses, work permits etc.
He kept asking us, me and others in the same boat to come up to his office for consultations but, one he was in Taipei and two, I was an average dirt poor guy just trying to get treated fairly.
By the time, I got my visas, workers rights, Citizenship for my kids (all these rights came in quick succession and right on time for my sanity) and business license, all through Hartzel’s indirect help, I was pretty much chewed up, shell shocked and spit out.
The license just enabled me to have small school where I taught my kids, their classmates, neighborhood children and provide pin money for the family as well as keeping myself out of trouble. I dropped out of the foreigner scene.
Recently, now that the kids are older, I went back. I found Hartzel is gone and there seems to be a backslide in foreign spouses’ right (my main interest, since we are married and are raising a family) and others.
If anyone wants to revive the Foreign Spouse’s Support Network or create a joint Spouse/APARC support network, still not rich. But I’ll help with the grunt work.
We need a true advocate.


Related article in Chinese



There’s a few of us on here that want to get more involved so the more the merrier. I need a few more months to finish some stuff before having free time. I know Marco was also interested in getting a group of forumosans together to try to get more foreigner recognition.

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A still somehow active group for foreign spouses may be Taiwan Nanyang Sisters Association, though its targets mostly be SE spouses as the name tells.

Hi anyone know why they wont accept my ARC ID? I get a reply saying to show proof of work eligibility so i send a photo of my work permit but then they ask for the ID again and it goes on in a cycle. Iv even tried submitting a photo with both ARC and work permit but no bueno. Help please

Are you talking about an open work permit? What work permit do you have exactly?