Image of Human Milk Ducts goes viral

My admiration of the Female body may have taken a knock here.
Not quite what I imagined :thinking:

But you have them too. Most men have less and smaller ones because estrogen causes them to grow which makes breasts larger. Men don’t usually produce the levels of estrogen needed to cause the glands to grow. But men can still lactate even with smaller glands. We just don’t normally have prolactin levels that would cause them to. There’s a reason why men like big breast evolutionarily, big breast, big milk ducts for milk.

Some men do have larger ones, sometimes cause during puberty where hormones are out of whack. Being overweight can cause them to grow. Subcutaneous fat causes the production of estrogen and stores estrogen. It’s actually another reason it’s bad for men to be overweight no one mentions, you basically become like a women with women hormone level of estrogen and low testosterone.

A friend of mine is a bodybuilder and medical doctor. Knows all sorts interesting information on hormones for bodybuilding and how the body reacts to them.

Next up: anal glands.

See a Lamborghini without its outer skin and it ain’t pretty either

Beauty IS really only skin deep