In Taiwan, society is seen as the top source of meaning in life

I think colonial imports like that deserve some scrutiny and revision, so I am less troubled about this (apparent?) shift than you.


Right on cue, the PRC provides helpful reminders about that, doesn’t it.


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The term 社會 was created by the Japanese as a translation of “society,” and then borrowed by the Chinese. The concept didn’t exist in either Japanese or Chinese prior to that.


Etymology doesn’t tell us much about what that word means to Taiwanese.

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Probably something close to “civil society.” Of course, 社會新聞 is crime reporting. Take from that what you will. :slightly_smiling_face:

So when cops come after his dad, does a Taiwanese turn in his dad?

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My kids have a subject at school called “社會”. I think it is social studies. Make of that what you will.


Pa’s got keys to the inheritence, so no.

Thatcher told us society doesn’t exist. Then Cameron told us we live in a big society and we need to tackle crime ourselves.

Society can get stuffed. :v:


Could you drive around the island in 12 hours? Probably just about possible. An interesting challenge. You’d have to avoid traffic hot spots…

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You’d have to be pretty scummy to snitch your own dad :rofl:

In the US that’s just history.

You are smoking crack, dude.

My sister married into a white family that’s way more loaded than mine, and he’s not getting a cent of inheritance. His father bought a Lamborghini.

Asians all pay for their kids’ college tuitions (if they can afford it).

Money does not equal love. This isn’t rocket surgery.

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Of course not, but it shows sacrifice for the next generation.

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Eh? There’s social studies in the US.

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Yeah social studies is just history.

No it’s not.

Are we talking about those classes you take in middle school?

It depends on the school, could be other levels as well. It includes history but also studies of other cultures and other social issues. Same as here, I believe.

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