Income disparity in dating

If you are an American citizen, and your scheme depends on your income not being reported to the IRS, how is what you’re doing either legal or ethical?

The scheme I was talking about refers to renouncing. Everyone except US citizens can follow the plan I laid out. No consulting fee needed.

Are you or are you not a US citizen? Do you or do you not use the scheme you outline? If the answer to either of these questions is “no”, I’m not sure of the point of your post. If the answers are “yes”, you are committing a crime and unethical.

Yes and no

If the OP really wants a load of apple cider vinegar then Costco probably sells them in larger jugs.

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They don’t in Taiwan, I checked

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What’s the price per ounce? OP is on a tight budget. Gotta pay for all those shell corporations in exotic locales.


I don’t know what to say, I pay my taxes legally for both Taiwan and the US.

What I outlined is legal for non US citizens. Almost everyone that’s successful here does it. No savvy investor is going to get taxed up the whazoo by having a bad corporate tax structure. It would make them uncompetitive to their peers.



If you’re making 800k a year, stop posting here and get over to LinSen Bei Lu.


I’m trying to make 800k a year. That’s nice.


You reap what you sow, baby



that’s just a sad view to have

people become evil because they are taught to do evil things

people don’t have to be taught to be evil or selfish. Anyone who has kids knows that. In fact you have to discipline your children to keep them from becoming selfish or evil.

Well, things may not be that bleak. There are plenty of studies showing altruism in children.

25 posts were split to a new topic: How Not To Raise Evil Children

There was one woman on Formosa that makes a lot, maybe you can find out who she is.


If you’re serious about renouncing, be careful not to let the exit tax hit you on the way out.