Based on the victims’ symptoms, it appears likely that they are suffering from norovirus, which is the most common cause of gastroenteritis and can be hard to kill with alcohol-based hand sanitizer, the department said.
To prevent transmission, proper hand washing with soap and water and disinfection of surfaces with bleach water is necessary, the press release said.
If there is one thing that set me off during the pandemic, it was the use of alcohol spray in lieu of ever washing hands with soap in Taiwan. In order for alcohol spray to be effective, there needs to be enough of it and it needs to be wet for at least 30 seconds and it needs to dry on its own. It looks like the Taiwanese practice of spritzing some alcohol spray into the air and calling something clean has come back to bite them. Soap. Rub hands together with soap on them for two happy birthday songs. Rinse. Dry with a clean towel. We’ve known this for centuries. It works by breaking down cell walls, every time.
i always cringe when i see restaurant workers/chefs, cooks wear plastic gloves. they touch everything and since their hands dont feel dirty they go ahead handling food, cleaning dishes, touch more stuff without ever changing them/washing their hands. it is so much more disgusting
Gloves are much much much less hygienic. Plus locals think they are a super force field. I’ve seen them handle money then food and not bother to wash hands.
I’m still waiting for the day it becomes SOP for even phlebotomists taking blood to not only change their gloves between customers but at least wear them. I have ask nearly everything time I need to get tested (all food manufactures are required by law to be tested annually, disclaimer from dirty jokes). Sanitary reasons are why I often am not willing to donate blood anymore. Otherwise those bases are convenient. After the covid extremism, the hospitals have not changed a bit so far as common sense ***basic hygiene. Strangely, the FDA has started cracking down and the food industry quite a lot. now we call people getting runny shits, a national past time in taiwan, victims I LOVE it! The “logic” gives me grins from ear to ear multiple times a day
Tbf the best approach is having someone preparing the food and someone handling money/taking orders. Money is dirty (really, so much shit is on paper bills and coins, in some countries is literal shit).
If u need to do both u need to wash thoroughly hands every time u handle money.
Hence cashless payments methods might enhance hygiene at small eateries as u won’t need to handle money, that’s why cashless was very encouraged during covid
You don’t need to go cashless to have basic common sense and follow the simplest of hygenic SOP. That’s a poor argument too many people give off the cuff without much deeper thought. the point about washing hands, thoroughly, between touching food and anything else (pens, computer screens, cash, customers cellphones that constantly have issues paying digitally etc etc) is really what’s at the core of the issue.
It’s nice to have the option of cashless, but the trend is going towards not using cash, which is about as stooped as not washing your hands after a phat shat and then preparing someone’s sandwich. Truly, short sightedness these days.
Or handing over their phones because they can’t figure out how to work it. Sharing the fecal matter they built up when they were playing around with their phone while taking a shit.