Insects as food

He ate Irish earthworms it caused us all to have a fanatical connection to our earth :grinning: Almost mystical.

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He is the worm that turned :wink:


Let’s see him worm himself out of that one lol
Are we going “The Two Ronnies” humour ?
He might tell us to buzz off or crawl back to the rock we both came from ha ha


are we just going to ignore this?

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Now that I know Crusher was raised on a pig farm I’m going to keep twice the distance away that was I was already maintaining.

Fortunately I can usually smell him coming first.

All in good taste, don’t mind my hammy jokes.

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Shiadoa you are in for another general election if you aren’t careful ! :grin:

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i just finished a TV show where there are cricket farms in vietnam!

and thats not even the amazing part. there are these insects known as black soldiers flies, and they eat ANYTHING. so they actually get animal’s shit and even cricket’s shit to feed these flies, and these black soldier flies are later grinded as protein powder.

sounds yucky but yet such a great way to have extra protein and i think its more environmentally friendly.

Ya they are great! Though black soldier fly larvae tend not to eat anything lingin/cellulose related. We did some studies a year ago here to try and strip rae materials for bast fiber as they tend not tot ouch it. In the kitchen scraps bin they wont touch things like onion skins, seeds etc for same reason. In the end i found they work great for shit enriched left over mushroom manure as the fungi take decent care of the wood and the left over plus waste from farm animals make a nice and efficient snack :slight_smile:

But due to their food intake and environment they are used primarily for animal feed. Either whole or protien meal as you mention. But probably shouldnt be used as protien source for people due to health reasons. Human feed insect protien meal tends to be slightly less dirty feedstocks like crickets and beetle/bee/moth type larva. Better yet, eggs like ant eggs. Yummy!

I’ll enjoy my fruits, vegetables and nuts!

I haven’t tried eating bugs but I have seen a lot in Thailand and Korea.

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Taiwan has a long history of eatin invertebrates. Its really almost exactly the same time frame as foreign foods got popular that they started going away. One would think taiwan is a good market but its proving hard to get clear answers on legality from gov agencies (like the fda).

Seeing as most noodle/meatball type food is heavily contaminated with garbage anyway; the healthy, efficient and and eco insect thing should be a no brainer. If people knew what they were eating as “protien meal” they would likely switch to crickets tomorrow.

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we should really try and eat more insects.
they tastes great once u get over the “gross factor”.

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Fuuuuhhhh… :open_mouth:


Crickets are cute, don’t eat crickets! Rabbits OK!

They taste nutty … I was told.



Catfish is not seafood, it’s a fish!

I can, kidney, liver, Rocky mountain oysters … yum.

Yes, but not aorta or shit tube. Please.

True! Quite nice actually.

And many evolutionary anthropologists speculate that early humans gained a huge advantage when they started eating termites because they are such a huge source of compact energy. Lots of fat and protein and not very hard to catch. Unlike hunting antelope.