Instagram vs Line app in Taiwan

More and more in Taiwan it seems like first time meeting someone with potential future mutual hookup interest they want to do Instagram instead of Line which is like the universal dominant Communicator in taiwan.

Instagram’s like a snapshot calling card business card.

I mean it’s normal a lot of places but now I see it feel it touch it more and more in Taiwan.

Because they want to see your photos and your activity.

They wanna see if you are ready for netflix and chill.

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Yeah but she’s more like Omni and I’m more like KOR. I can do Omni you know with the right incentive.

Same space, different space.

It’s called narcissism. If the only goal is to fuck them and ignore them, fine. But if a relationship is the goal, Instagram type people are probably best to avoid as they tend to be REALLY into themselves rather than just using their brains to honestly talk with a person one on one.

I’m not dating, but these clues tend to pan out as expected in business. As a company, one would treat an Instagram or tiktok or Facebook person as a group, but with minor differences. In comparison to say a phone call inquiry, or sms or email are in another family group with minor differing details.

It is a good clue as to how a person’s character, logic and habits are. I avoid tiktok and Instagram people like the plague until proven otherwise.


A post was split to a new topic: Taiwan producers of prayer paper