Install Forumosa app manually

When I log into the site I’m asked if I want to install a forumosa app, but I deleted that app and is not able to get the app reinstalled. Is there a way to manually do this?

There’s an app?



When you login with an Android device a window pops up asking if you want to install forumosa on your device, if you say yes it installs the app. I can’t find this app on the play store however.

It doesn’t work with iphones.

I just want to know how to manually trigger this without wiping the phone.

Have you tried factory reset and reinstalling?

That’s just a Chrome link to the website, not really an app.
You can get the same result by clicking the three dots in the top right corner and selecting “Add to home screen”


Yeah, it’s not really an app, it just opens a full-screen instance of Chrome or something like that.

No need to wipe your phone (again :sweat_smile:), just do what @RickRoll said.

Yea sorry I’m really dense. Turns out there’s an option to install app on the 3 dot thing. Stupid me

I don’t think it’s too obvious. It took me ages to find it before as well.

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There is an actual app (client) for Discourse. But most things are handled by a web view (embedded browser) as well.

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No need to apologize.
The way it shows in the first pop-up really makes it sound like there’s an app.

I did the same thing too when my Android phone asked if I wanted to put Forumosa on the home screen and I thought it was an app. Now that you mentioned it, I tried finding it in the play store and I can’t :roll_eyes:. All this time I thought I had installed the app and my settings even say that I’ve downloaded it from the play store :thinking:

What happens when you click on “App details in store”?


To me it shows the page info about the Chrome app

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I have an Android phone and have never gotten this prompt. :thinking:

You probably declined it the first time you saw it, then it doesn’t seem to ever come back. It’s just a small bar at the top of the browser saying “Install Forumosa to your desktop” or “Install the Forumosa app” or something like that. Maybe if you cleared your cookies etc. it would come back, but it’s probably not worth it*.

(*Edit: I mean that there’s an easier way of getting the “app” as @RickRoll said, not that the “app” isn’t worth it. I find it better than accessing the site normally in Chrome.)


In Android, check the apps drawer.

I couldn’t find it for the longest time and couldn’t reinstall it, then all the sudden I had a brain fart and realized it was in my apps drawer the whole time.

It’s not a true app but it does reside in the apps drawer.

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