Interesting ways (not online) meeting new friends/partners in Taiwan, stories? Fun stories

Do we really need to point out every flaw in others’ grammar, punctuation or use of SMS speak?


So you too (Misty eyed)?? I will have to leave for awhile to help a sick family member and I am sure there are many things I will miss being here in Taiwan. As I mentioned I traveled a lot before COVID for work and now its all Zoom/Google Meet for me since 2019 I had lots of local time and thus more close local friendships from my hood to the coffee shop(Shy girls who wanted chat with this strange foreigner about my espresso to a sweet friend now) to the Bento Box shop (Husband and wife gives me strong drinks after work because it seems I can drink ok). Mostly good experiences and few (very few) strange ones.

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Yeah I totally miss London now. Life was so much more fun in London than in Taiwan. I was more fun in London than in Taiwan.




I seems just like me from my hometown to Taiwan. I have lots fun and new friends in Taiwan because maybe I go out more, at hone old friends married and busy with family, very different life though both good.

haha, being young you can go to a fast food place. Like me in Uni, went out with classmate Taiwanese student for fast food (beef rice) and she was happy we also went out many more times. Doubt now I am older any date would be happy to go to MOS or such haha.

like long-Covid, must be long-chylamydia

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