International Talent Taiwan Office「國際人才服務及延攬中心」

Is it an on-site experiment or is the testing carried out online?

On site :slight_smile: Come see the new office!


Nooo, I saw this too late. Are you already done with the experiments? If not, I’d like to participate.

For now, yes. There will likely be other opportunities in the future.


The office now has a website:


Hi @fifieldt I found some of the information regarding requirements for the regular citizenship application to be incorrect for those with a Taiwanese spouse, such as the need to get a criminal record check or prove finances. I get that the site it is for foreign talent who likely don’t have a Taiwanese spouse, but the page does mention that being a spouse is one of the paths so I feel like it’s important that the full info for that is there too.

Maybe citizenship regular could be split into two different pages: citizenship (work route), and citizenship (spouse route) so the list of requirements wouldn’t get too confusing.

You may also want to note on that page that they can get a Taiwan passport before they get household registration, because right now it looks like you have to wait till then to get it