Introducing to Non English-Speaking Taiwanese Folks?

I think Ironlady manage do say what I meant. It’s about the quality of your posting, and people who have been around for a while (if they can be bothered reading the garbage I write) will know that I usually don’t give non-native speakers a hard time over the language they use or how well they express what they want to say.

Take the ‘[url=I realize it is mission impossible to find a cordial western impossible[/url]’ thread as an example. Taiwanese person posts, is ridiculed for her poor English, and labelled shallow and racist. Compare and contrast my response to that of 914 before accusing me of being unfriendly.

It wasn’t a very good post, qualitatively speaking. (Is that a real word? It’s late and I’m tired.) Sure, you can ignore it. But you have to read if before you decide whether to ignore it. How much garbage do you want to wade through? How many times do you want to post comments like this one?

I would rather enjoy a site than feel that it’s necessary - or even acceptable - to talk to posters like that. Don’t invite 'em in the first place if that’s how you feel.

Personally, I’m not doing this for the benefit of your paying students. You want to print out what I or anyone else says then go ahead. I do the same thing, and I’ve also advocated a learner’s site running alongside in the past. But I spend quite a lot of time every week dealing with adult english learners and their ideas. I’d rather not do it in my free time, unless they are people who have found their own way here and recognise that this is where foreigners come for a respite from their (the Taiwanese) world.

And don’t tell me to go somewhere else. This is somewhere else.