Invite Taiwan to the United Nations - US Petition


Signed it.

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They don’t even check if I’m American?!

Either put Taiwan on the Security Council or don’t bother.


A post was split to a new topic: From Invite Taiwan to the UN

Leaving aside that internet petitions are worthless, why should Taiwan be on the Security Council instead of, say, India or Brazil or Germany?

If the UN is unevolved or irrelevant then perhaps our planet needs modern ideologies such as the establishment of new organisations/entities to fulfil human purposes in the 21st century.

The White House’s response once they reach the 100k:


Because calling for Taiwan on the Security Council is an opportunity to call out the whole UN and the people who think the UN counts for something.

I’d say declare the Republic of China to be the real China and de-recognize the gongfei, but I think that ship has sailed.