iOS 14 iPhone/iPad

Sounds like we have similar use cases. I really like being able to write on PDFs. Sign it and send it back. Instead of scanning everything.
I inspect production lines and it is great to be able to get rid of the paper notebook and write exactly where I need to.
I’m using Notability but there are many excellent apps.
I’ve been trying to ween myself off of carrying around the windows notebook so I continue to find better ways to use the iPad. You can’t use it the same way as a notebook and expect to be productive.

Why would I buy a computer for resale? It’s not an investment. You pay money for it, you should get your money’s worth.

So you’re just moving onto new hardware…for no reason? My gaming PC sporting an i5 4th gen from 2015 still holds up.

A variety of channels on YouTube often show what you can do with old hardware. A 10 year old PC can still get the job done for a variety of tasks, including gaming. The macbook air I own gets the job done better with Windows because it is still up to date rather than Apple locking you out.

Quite a few. To compare apples to apples, pun intended, a 2013 Windows ultrabook with an SSD is just as snappy as a 2013 macbook air that also has an SSD. They both make great burner laptops, but then again, why would I want to buy new hardware if it works just fine?
You’re wiping the system anyways, a fresh reinstall is always going to be snappy no matter what and Windows provides a quick few click refresh of Windows and even 2008 desktops are supported on the latest Windows 10. Will happily prove it to you in person.

In fact, when people throw them away, I take them for cheap, refresh them, ensure they have an SSD then PROFIT!!! The problem is not with the computer, but with the user.

I feel it’s more a pyschological thing rather than an empirical objective thing. Quality of hardware has been on the up and up this past decade since we have left the capacitor plague of the 2000s. I’d be happy to show you the office I contract in running 10 year old laptops on Windows 10 September 2020 with no issues. The ASUS laptops they bought were built to last.

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That’s not a unique capability. All phones, systems can do that. My photo’s instantly show everywhere including iPad, Mac, android, Windows, and are stored in cloud immediately in case I lose my phone.

iPads are the easily and accepted to be the best tablets.

I use Google apps on my iPad and ignore the Apple apps.

I don’t use Apple apps, storage, backup, etc. partially because they lock you into their system and difficult to impossible to access outside their system. Especially if you lose all your Apple devices and need to get access to all your files immediately. With Google, just sign in on any Apple, Windows, Android, anything else, device anywhere, and immediate access to everything.

Also difficult to manage your own data as they want to manage it according to their flunked up system.

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I updated the software on my iPad Pro a few days ago but didn’t notice any difference. I’m getting a new one next week as my company gives me a new one every three years. Will I notice anything different on the new device?

I never said this was a unique feature, but it does it without opening/relying on third-party apps.

No one mentioned Apple apps, I use mostly third-party stuff for what I need. Spark for email, Google Calendar, Zoom/GoToMeeting, GoodNotes 5 for annotation/pdf, Procreate, and office apps to present. Chrome is synced for work-related tasks and Safari for personal related stuff (account syncing).

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He is talking about resale value not investment. Some people care about the resale value of things. I used to spend around 10k every 2 years to get the latest iPhone, while my friends got peanuts for their Android phones (if they still worked).

If you buy a Toyota for 1M and can sell it for 600k after 3 years but a Nissan that costs the same would hold only 400,000 of value, which one would you buy?

Neither. Why would I sell? If it works just fine and the cost of ownership is low then I am keeping it. I don’t need new shit for the sake of having the latest and greatest.

I buy top of the line and use it until it breaks.

Then I buy a new one. I want cost of ownership to be low. My time is worth money, why do I want to waste it trying to sell it on Kijiji for top dollar?

Resale value is the last thing on my mind. Utility is first. Cost of ownership is a close second.

Where are we, Canada? lol

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Like I said, some people care about that. I use my PCs and my Cars until they break down, but phones on the other hand… anything with a Li-Ion battery has to go and fast!

They’re dirt cheap to replace compared to brand new phones and I got four solid years out of my HTC M7 before the battery became a noticeable problem and bought a new phone outright.

I’d have used it longer if the software updates were as good as Windows…but I needed access to new apps for new life needs.

I like getting comfortable with my tech. I hate switching. I dread tech switchovers and the time it takes to make it ‘mine’ again.

Lucky you, we have 3 HTC phones here in the office that nobody can use because the battery don’t work, another is a Huawei that go swollen up, a couple of Sony tablets that broke a few weeks after warranty, battery problems. Only Apple and Samsung phones are still going strong.

I’d fix 'em for ya and for less than the cost of a new phone. They’re not THAT difficult to replace and I know people who do it for me cheaply when I don’t have the time.

One thing I tell people. A $3000 TWD phone is no comparison to an iPhone. If you wanna compare, compare apples-apples in cost. I buy high end and it pays off.

Pun intended.

As good as iOS you mean, apples to apples comparison…

Not even close. iOS at most a few years. Windows 10 supports PC hardware up to 15 years old.

Anything in the last 12 years is extremely easy to find support for. Latest software still runs. No ‘Such and Such Software is not compatible with this version of Windows’

We are talking mobile OS here, iOS is 5 years on avg, what do you get out of Android again? a mobile phone older than 5 years is unusable.

Yet I could still reasonably use most apps on Google Play. Once Apple drops you, you’re dropped.

Most apps have compatibility for Android 6 from 2015.

My ROG Phone turns 2 next week. Still strong. I can do everything I want on it.

Because you can’t update those damn phones, trust me, I have phones on different Android builds here to test for app compatibility… We still support Android 4.4.

Well you could… You can manually install your own version if you’d like. You can get Android 9 for the M7. I could fix the battery tomorrow and get it running. Unfortunately it doesn’t support LTE in Taiwan so… it might be outta luck on that front.

I meant official support, I don’t doubt you can still get life out of that phone but the regular Joe can barely connect to Wi-Fi without calling for support.