Ip Man Wing Chun Kung Fu

You’re clearly quite passionate about this issue, so I’ll leave it there.

A post was split to a new topic: Ip Man Wing Chun Kung Fu (9/19, 9/22, 9/23)

as i have said i was misinformed enough in the past to take some kung fu classes thinking it was going to teach me something useful about self defense and fighting.

i don’t think its right to call it self defense, people could take it for years and still get beat up. do you think thats right? i’m not sure why you have a problem with me telling people whats up and that they should take a martial that works instead.

probably went to the wrong school mate

Discussion often involves disagreement. That doesn’t mean I have a problem with you.

At some point someone will disagree with all of us. It’s not a big issue.

uh yea, so did keith hackney?

what are you disagreeing with? even the OP told you kung fu isn’t useful and he does mma training aswell. it is what it is. i don’t have any problem for those who want to study kung fu in asia. just don’t pretend its a real form of fighting.

People disagree about all kinds of things. Your points would seem to have been made, so no point in continuing on that particular tack further in this conversation.

I’m afraid I’ll have to disagree with you there…


sorry, but I said that I stopped MMA and only do Kung Fu right now

Bruce Lee was also a good boxer, he learned to box, he used to compete in boxing tournements. Thats where he got his foot work.

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Plus a healthy dose of cha cha.

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Hong Kong Cha Cha champion, wasn’t he?


Is that one of the internal styles?

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He certainly was, and for me Cha Cha is the best dancing martial art. All other forms of dance are useless on the streets. Seriously, try a bit of hip hop against a Cha Cha master? You’re gonna get your ass handed to you on a plate.



Would love to see that!

Check out the gurn! It’s the gurn that makes it.

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he wasn’t a very good boxer , his boxing record was not in the least impressive, but yes his foot work was derived mainly from boxing and fencing.

How did your first classes go?