Is anybody else worried about the inevitable post-COVID "digital nomad" explosion in Taiwan?

well i misunderstood your post.

No hay problema. Me Englishee Sometimes has problems getting the point across.

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You know, in my humble opinion, it’s really sad that you would allow one fucking idiot (Trump) to wield so much power over you and your life decisions.


Fair, I don’t like Trump but it was more the set of systems that let Trump take power that really did me in at the moment.

Also I left when I was 23, I did see the world, made some money, and found myself so it wasn’t a waste though yeah it’s just a lot I’m thinking on right now.


Democracy? yea you came to the right part of the world. You can go across the pond to HK to see how things are working out without those systems right now, i’m sure you will appreciate it.


To word that better I left as all I saw was hatred and violence, I love democracy, but at the time I wanted to look to other places with it. Europe, Canada, Taiwan, I thought about HK though also I agree with you democracy is pretty good.

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A post was split to a new topic: From nomads

Technically not true representative democracy though, as the Federal Executive elected office didn’t follow the actual will of the people, but instead a broken system of electorates.

If it was an actual representative democracy, the representative proportions would be fixed to follow popular votes (locally, statewide, and federally), and we wouldn’t have had Bush or Trump.

Gold Card by outstanding procreation category?


agree… something better suited to the freelancer would be welcome

43 posts were split to a new topic: Not making long term plans here that won’t survive the Red Dawn

Taiwan should look at the programs in Estonia, Barbados and Bermuda.

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As an ex-digital nomad who’s now stayed in Taiwan for for years on visa exempt with visa runs (wife and son here now), there’s no danger of Taiwan bring overrun with digital nomads. Taiwan is ok at many things but with the exception of 4G and safety it does nothing very well.

Food, climate, pollution, beaches, language, short term renting, co working spaces are all sub par to varying degrees. People might visit for a short break but that will be it.

As for attracting talent, Taiwan should first ban Taiwanese from working in China. The brain drain to there is immense.


A country can’t do that without acting like a communist dictatorship itself. Either improve the work conditions and pay or people will go elsewhere.

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Not that Work conditions and pay shouldn’t be improved, but you can’t beat china on that front. they are willing to pay more to get taiwanese over to their side.

I see nothing wrong with banning Taiwanese from working in china as a matter of national security. Also for the safety of taiwanese people. It may just be business for taiwanese, but the chinese don’t see it the same way.

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They already do that with military personnel and they do not obey. And not only they complain about that, but keep on complaining when caught spying.

It’s supposed to be a jailable offense for a Taiwanese passport holder to join the communist party and also lose Taiwanese nationality. Thousands do it and they never arrest anyone

There are few job opportunities for Taiwanese professionals in Taiwan.

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Like it or not, Taiwan is still umbilically linked to China economic wise. Billions of Taiwanese cash is invested in China and hundreds of thousands have made their lives there. Completely impractical to suggest banning Taiwanese working there.

It should never have been allowed to get to this situation, but that ship has sailed

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Terrified? No but I have noticed a huge number of people on various discussion boards posting they are coming to Taiwan…then proceeding to ask questions that indicate they haven’t done a bit of research into what that involves.