:facebook: Is gun control a solution?

What if: they used a Canadian style system of permit/registration with a class involved. For now forget the assault rifle thing and just make it so every gun had to go through a registered permit system and thus can be tracked. There will always be flaws but its hard to argue against unless you have something to hide or your government is so corrupt you are worried. The latter i think is what maybe gun fanatics are on about in the US.

I was trying to remember what this kind of legislation was called earlier.

I think that it’s a good idea and the only thing that, in hindsight, could have prevented a few of the recent events.

Somebody didn’t finish reading the post before replying.

For those who take manifestos at face value:


The Rashomon Effect, also know as “one screen, two movies”


A post was split to a new topic: From gun control

see ypu guys in a few, having the exact same conversation…

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The right to own and use guns should be regulated by a gov agency in a similar manner as the DMV regulates who can legally drive different classes of vehicles.

Guns should be classified into separate classes such as manual pistols, manual rifles, semi-auto pistols, semi-auto rifles. Fully auto should never be an option for civilians.

Gun owners should be required to take tests to get a license like the DMV. Except such tests should include a written that determines knowledge of gun safety and gun related laws, psych tests, background checks, and an actual usage test in a firing range that demonstrates you know how to use a gun properly. The purpose of all these tests would be to make it more difficult to purchase a gun and slow down any impulse decision to kill with a gun.

Psych tests should help to filter out people who might be the type to write manifestos and such.

All firearms should be fitted with RFID chips that prevent it from being used by anyone but the registered owner. And the owner should have to carry their RFID chipped gun license with them in order to discharge their firearm.

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Could think about having a relatively higher age limit as well. Maybe 25.
They do it for alcohol!

Personally I think semi autos mass killing power is a problem as well though. There should be even tougher requirements for that section . Especially assault rifles but not only them.

The problem with this is that People strong on 2A wouldn’t want the gov to be able to track their guns like they track cars. It’s just a step away from gun seizures with this kind of set up. No thanks.

Slow down? How about we look for ways to stop. This doesn’t seem to actually stop someone who has the will to kill while infringing on gun rights. Lose lose. No one will go for this.

That’s paranoid talk.

It’s not. A gun registry is a terrible idea. How is it paranoid when even you say we should ban semi automatic guns? I’m scared of people like you. It’s not paranoia. You’re literally saying you want to take away guns calling me paranoid about people taking away guns.

This is a reasonable suggestion that at least has a real proposal.

This is the logical response that will follow.

Now, the question is how to get ideas like this nearer to each other. People like @keoni need to identify which issue would have the greatest impact and people like @Andrew0409 would need to consider if any possible proposal that they would be on board for that would include the suggested idea.

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I also think that solution will end up with the cobra effect. A person with the will to kill and carry it out will just be more lethal going through all of that. And I don’t see it curbing the people who have the will to kill.

Also the potential for criminals to hack in to any database to know who isn’t armed and are easy targets.

Likely. Nobody has proposed anything that would have, in hindsight, prevented any of the shootings of the past few decades outside of perhaps red flag legislation for people who were obviously ill and obviously planning something. Yet, they demand that people do something, now.

Perhaps you can’t reduce gun violence in a diverse country that has more firearms than people. I mean, statistically, we should be demanding that people do something about obesity or poverty or traffic safety. However, it’s an interesting question and I don’t see any reason that we can’t study it and roll it out in steps to see what would possibly work - we do that for virtually every other area of public health and have forever.

That’s some nice doublespeak there. :sunglasses:

Sez you lol.

Actually he’s possibly right.

Because you need to buy rights to media to in certain zones. They may not have the broadcast rights in those countries for bought media.

There’s probably other local laws they may not be compliant with either.

You really are a thought leader on this topic. I forgot your ‘snap your fingers and wake up in a world in which no guns exist and everybody always opens the door for their neighbors’ idea.

That would have worked.

Possibly, except if a “red flag” is raised on a person who is exhibiting traits of a mass killer, the gov agency can deactivate the gun license remotely thereby rendering any registered weapon a paperweight.

This will however likely result in underground dealers selling unlocked guns, etc. But at least for the avg person with no connection to such dealers, they won’t be able to get such guns.

Point 2, yea, I have to concede to you on that. That is a possible scenario. But probably only one where people with enough wealth to steal from would need to worry about.

That link is to a .org website…no way there’s a paywall involved for anybody who wants to read the material.