Is it safe to visit hospitals right now?

I live in Taipei, and am trying my best to maintain self-isolation and all that. However, I am having symptoms of something that might or might not ought to be checked out (prostatitis, to be exact). Is it safe to even enter a hospital right now? Would going or not going seem to entail more risk? I don’t think anyone’s ever died from prostatitis specifically, but there’s always a chance it’s something much worse.

Do hospitals currently have any protocols to keep potential COVID carriers out or isolated?

Dude if you’re still suffer from this a month later. Go to the hospital. A simple antibiotic will fix you up. If not you have to ask more questions and get a few checks done.


What’s definitely not safe is failing to get checked for something that could turn nasty.

Go to the hospital. COVID is the least of your worries. Unless, of course, you’re isolating because you’ve tested positive.

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No, I haven’t tested positive. If that was the case I wouldn’t risk infecting anyone.

Go to the clinics within the hospital. I’d avoid going to the emergency area as it is a nightmare right now. The doctors clinic hours are safer and very empty.


You mean the clinics in the hospital? Or do you mean clinics elsewhere? I’d be a bit surprised if there are independent urology clinics out there, but I suppose I could be wrong.

Edit: Just saw you said within the hospital.

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In the hospitals. Go to the urology department in the hospital of your choice. They are less people now and in big hospital you will have the equipment, labs etc at a whim if further check up is need

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Of course you are increasing your risk by going to a hospital or clinic. So weigh this against the urgency of your visit.

I have an enlarged prostate. My urologist is a lovely bloke, very thorough and patient. but he loves putting his fat fingers in my ass.
Me: Doc, I’ve got a wart on my cock.
Him: Bend over. I need to check your prostate.
Me: But it’s just a wart on my cock.
Him: Yeah. Fair enough. But I still need to explore the dark realms within your bowels.
Puts on gloves and anal lube.
Does that hurt?
Me: You’ve got your fingers in my asshole! Of course it fucking hurts!
Him: Okay. Now let’s get some liquid nitrogen and get that dastardly wart off your cock.

I doubt that my little anecdote was of any assistance, but it was fun to write, if not to experience.

Honestly, I don’t think it’s safe to go anywhere. Going to a hospital clinic is way safer than a wet market or Seven, though. At least protocol is usually followed and enforced there.


Hospitals are always dirty and here is no different. You go there and risk infection for sure, because they are a concentration of sick people and they are LOUSY at sanitation. I mean really, considering what they are supposed to be. Thats just reality around the globe with very few exceptions.

That said if you are feeling pain and at risk of getting worse, then go check. i think hospitals are overwhelmingly better than clinics. most f the time. CCP Virus isnt the worst thing you can catch at the hospital. When worried, do as we all probably should. When you get home, strip down, spray alcholol on your skin and go have a shower. Leave your clothes out in the sun for a few days to let the uv sterilize them before washing. Not touching anything between naked door and shower is also common sense. Then live your life in comfort. That simple procedure will likely protect you against most common diseases we currently see. Takes next to no effort or time. We have done this for a decade, regardless of covid cause hospitals are where you go to get sick, as they say.

In fact anyone in the medical production field, biology, food manufacturing, high tech field etc all go through similar basic cleanliness procedures before entering their workspace. Its pretty standard, we just needed a new bug to wake everyone up again and get back on track.