Is it worth it?


Seeing that there are so many deportations these days…

Do you think it’s worth it to stay here? From my own personal experience, I now make less money than I did when I arrived here 6 years ago. I work almost double the hours, and get paid a lot more per hour…but my countries economy is doing great too…

It’s too dangerous to work many jobs…and some of my friends back home are doing stupid little jobs and actually making the same money.

Back in the day you automatically made sacks full of money whenever you worked overseas… these days…ouch.

If you’re in it for the money and you’re
making less than you were before…well, the
answer is this: leave. That is, unless, things
are looking up and it seems that you’ll be making
more later. Do you like your job?

Pretty simple.

What is your home country, just out of interest?

I’d have to say i’m making almost double than what I made when I first got here almost five years ago. Not only that, but I have way better hours and a lot more perks like 7 paid sick days a year, paid national holidays, and guaranteed hours. mind you, my first two years here I worked at one Buxiban from late afternoon until late evening and now I’ve been working a steady 930-630, with 2 hours lunch for the past 2.5 years. I’ve never been one to change jobs especially if it means working for less. The longer I stay at my schools, the more money I make becuase I get a raise each year. If i were to quit, I’d go back to a starting wage at the new school. To me, that’s not worth it. maybe i’m just lucky. it’s all uphill for me from now on and has been for half my time in Taiwan.

I don’t think this is something to worry about to any great degree. We’ve seen a few threads about deportations recently. That’s unsettling. But we have to remember that we can count the number of these recent threads on one hand. When we consider the thousands of foreign residents in Taiwan, we can see that deportations-- as bad as they are-- are still extremely rare events.

It might be if you’re in Taipei city and working illegally. Everywhere else seems relatively safe (from what knowledge I have on the subject.)

Don’t presume all foreigners in Taiwan chat here. Of my assorted circle of Taiwan mates, possibly 5% at most post here or even visit. Seriously.


Don’t presume all foreigners in Taiwan chat here. Of my assorted circle of Taiwan mates, possibly 5% at most post here or even visit. Seriously.


Yes, that’s obviously true. For the record, I make no such presumption. There are literally thousands of western expatriates residing here. Of that number, a very miniscule number post here. Very few of the expats I have regular contact with (save for one Mr He and a few others) post with any frequency on forums like this one.

My point was to reassure the OP that deportations of western expats are still extremely rare events, even if a few cases have been highlighted here. The reporting of them here can create the impression that these events occur more often than they do. It’s rather like the evening news reporting violent crimes. This makes some people feel as if there is a much greater chance of being a victim of crime than there really is. I think if we look at the actual number of deportations as a percentage of the sheer number of expatriates living here, we can see there is no reason to base one’s decision to stay or go on a perceived feeling of being at risk for deportation.

but I have a tricky situation. I started working for Kid Castle…got my ARC there. There were two sections in one building…Kid Castle and a special all English class. In the end I taught the all day english section…

Now, 2 years later, the schools split…boss couldnt afford the rent, so now the Kid Castle moved 2 blocks away…but my ARC is with them. I don’t have an ARC for the kids I’m teaching. So if I’m caught on those premises…I will propably be deported. I should go to another school…but I’ve had this job for more than 2 years and the kids feel like my own…they are graduating in June and then moving to the place where I have my ARC.

I’d agree that deportations are still a very rare event. Also, I’m not sure that the general opinions in this forum are a reflection of overall foreigner opinion in Taiwan. I think the consensus here is generally more negative than the average foreigner’s experience.

My opinion is that it is generally not a good idea to keep working at a Buxiban for the long run in Taiwan, if you are in it for the money.
You generally end up getting burnt out in the long run. You may make more money straight out of school, but in the long run with a University Degree you will make more money in a career type job back home. If you are here for the lifestyle and don’t care about getting rich, saving retirement money, etc. then it’s great to teach here for a long time, or forever.

This only applies to Buxiban’s, of course. Getting a job at an international type school, or public school, can be a great career.
Just my 2 NT! :slight_smile:

[quote=“Battery9”]but I have a tricky situation. I started working for Kid Castle…got my ARC there. There were two sections in one building…Kid Castle and a special all English class. In the end I taught the all day English section…

Now, 2 years later, the schools split…boss couldnt afford the rent, so now the Kid Castle moved 2 blocks away…but my ARC is with them. I don’t have an ARC for the kids I’m teaching. So if I’m caught on those premises…I will propably be deported. I should go to another school…but I’ve had this job for more than 2 years and the kids feel like my own…they are graduating in June and then moving to the place where I have my ARC.[/quote]

I’d be somewhat worried in your case. Sounds as if you are working strickly in a kindergarten and no longer have an ARC for a buxiban in the same building. Perhaps take up the matter with management at your school and ask what provisions they have in place to protect you in case of an inspection.

[quote=“Battery9”]but I have a tricky situation. I started working for Kid Castle…got my ARC there. There were two sections in one building…Kid Castle and a special all English class. In the end I taught the all day English section…

Now, 2 years later, the schools split…boss couldnt afford the rent, so now the Kid Castle moved 2 blocks away…but my ARC is with them. I don’t have an ARC for the kids I’m teaching. So if I’m caught on those premises…I will propably be deported. I should go to another school…but I’ve had this job for more than 2 years and the kids feel like my own…they are graduating in June and then moving to the place where I have my ARC.[/quote]

I wouldn’t worry about it. June will soon be at hand. Just sweat it out till then. And if you’re working an all day gear, isn’t that still illegal: ARC, or not? Surely the kindie section has an alarm or some kind of advance warning device? Stay alert yourself, and all should be fine.