Is marriage a sacrifice?

too much sacrifice for walking time!


Old age insurance?

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Married decades, or most of my adult life… To the question in the title: No. That’s just too simple. Marriage is not simple or simply defined - because we, people, are just damn complicated. A sacrifice may be righteous or not, but sacrifice doesn’t define marriage. There are times where we, as well as those putting up with us, must | should | get to, sacrifice. Unless you’re a hermit or really self-centered, you’re constantly making sacrifices anyway. We sacrifice in almost all of our relationships.

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Til the kids come. Then you sacrifice (nearly) everything for them

You shouldn’t call it sacrifice, unless you are forced to have kids.

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Forced or not, it’s still a sacrifice. You have to give up hanging out with friends as much, you sacrifice sleep, you have to live in areas with good schools, can’t travel as much. It’s an endless list.

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Dogs cost money and sometimes bite ankles too. Just sayin’. :cactus:

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Yes. Men endure having a relationship in order to get sex and women endure sex in order to have a relationship.


Sure they do. But you don’t have to put them through school and clothe them for 20-odd years. And they don’t get all assholey in their teens. You also don’t have to buy them iPhones and other expensive gadgets.
Get a dog a few cans of food and a tennis ball and it’s happy.

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Spouses are meant to take care of each other which becomes increasingly important the more we age. “In sickness and health.”
And you cannot choose your family but you can choose your spouse.

Isn’t ensuring your genetic line kinda the whole point of life?

Plus I’ve seen you comment on your father, who you obviously care for a great deal. He’s your best friend. Don’t you want that when you’re older, too?

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Not everybody can be a chooser

Bizarre logic.

But you’re forgetting the flip side–when they are old enough you can make them run errands for you.

So you’re spending all of your earnings so that someone can mow the lawn or pop down the shops for a pint of milk? Color me unconvinced.

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Kids are pretty cheap in Taiwan. The ROI should be high.

Having a dog is not an unconditional love it is a conditioned love.

I guess it’s true for some people.

I don’t need a relationship to have sex. If I just wanted sex, I would not be in a relationship. I would prefer to have sex with many different women if i just wanted sex.

Some of the women I’ve been with had a higher sex drive in the relationship than I had. I think they probably liked the sex more than the relationship itself.

State recognized marriage is a contract.

It’s a bad one, I’ll give you that. Don’t enter into a contract with a bad partner and you need to set up legal protections.

Sounds like 12 years of public education.