Is Michael Turton worth following? [Blog ENDED - September 2018]

He just got in a cheap shot at somebody about the colour of his skin and his sex.

But then decided to apply it to basically every white male here. Way to go !!!

He’s responding to a wider discourse out there, with the specific example that drew his ire being made by a contributing writer in the Taiwan News. He’s thinks they are wrong, and he explains why.

It’s been nice chatting with you folks! I have a busy day ahead. Hope you have a great one!



im not white.


Brown males are invariably saying we need to lock people down.

We need to keep an eye on them (Turton logic).

Now we have a tabloid battle.



@slawa gets the hang of it.

It helps that he actually read the article. :slightly_smiling_face:


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Oh? Do we have a let her rip tabloid?

Why does it have to be rip by the way? I can hear a horrible tearing sound. Can’t it amble through, or mosey through, or even galavant through?

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I guess he noticed that people writing in English about Taiwan often happen to be white and male, like himself.

That is genius.

It must be their colour that is causing their errant thinking ! After all it has led him astray also !

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The author had probably bad run ins with a few western foreigners in Taiwan.
That argument drags all attention away from what he was actually trying to say.


I find your optimism reassuring.

When in god’s name did he write that?!

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Turton does a great job writing about biking/tourism, less so on Taiwan politics, and even less so on epidemiology. Amateur musings


Then why call it out ?

Somebody said did/something ‘wrong’.

Next line…Point out that they are invariably 'this colour ’ and ‘this sex’.

Then don’t mention those same people of that colour and sex have varied opinions, origins and are not in charge anyway.

Cheap shot . Could be called racist and sexist by many people.


quite an odd comment to open up for an article that is trying to be serious.

Maybe he’s trying to sell himself to the NYT.


The Guardian will work too.


Look a white male…

Varadkar: Ireland coming to the point where it needs to ‘move on’ from Covid-19 restrictions Varadkar: Ireland coming to the point where it needs to 'move on' from Covid-19 restrictions

Oh sorry he’s not really.

Turton always had a thin skin. I.tried to interact with him on Facebook once about something completely unrelated. Was not even trying to be argumentative I just explained something .
When he didn’t understand it he was extremely dismissive. This article is fairly typical.


This. Now some of the discussion in the Taiwan thread makes no sense.


Yeah, it’s a pity the triggering aside is in there, and even more of a pity that it features so prominently (and disproportionately in comparison to its importance in the article) in the link that shows up. Writers should probably know to self-censor if a remark is going to aggravate the thin-skinned and, more importantly, detract from the overall argument.


I know the type. Probably looks down on other westerners here judging by his repeated put down of “white men” in the article. Probably thinks he’s better because he writes for the local rag, and shares all his articles on FB for his sycophants to push the Like button on and Share.

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