Is Michael Turton worth following? [Blog ENDED - September 2018]

No need to apologise—in political threads with him going back decades on here, it has got nasty at times. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: But always on political debate albeit with a few insults added into boot. I’m balanced enough to recognise the contributions he’s contributed on teaching, family issues, and travel blogs. In the early 2000s, his website on teaching, even if you were not coming to Taiwan to teach, had practical nuts and bolts info on the realities of living in Taiwan, especially for family stuff such as schooling, visas, a variety of other challenges, etc.

At some point, if I return for a visit, I think a beer with him would be highly entertaining.

Taichung, as its name suggest, is in central Taiwan. It’s not “down South.” :rofl:


Article in Taipei Times about Omicron and Taiwan.

Cheerleaders for the variant to run its course fail to take into account the impact it will have on families, labor and the healthcare system


Some discussion of this point (you can guess which side people are on) appears in the Open Thread. Open at your own risk. :upside_down_face:


White men again!!! Written by a white man. Ha ha

  • By Michael Turton / Contributing reporter

Seems to have swallowed the woke pill, not exactly many white anyone’s in Taiwan, nor would the Government here give much of a damn what our opinions are much lest form policy based on them.

Part of the virtue signaling crowd, “look at me I’m blaming white males”.


males (invariably white)

Why ? :grin::joy:

I may as well insert pink penguins have been discussing inflation in the price of penguin sun lotion for all the relevance…

And I know for a fact some of the most anti restrictions folks on here (an esoteric message board ) aren’t white. And vice versa.

So what’s colour got to do with it ?
How many white people are even working or living here let alone running government policy.

Go shove it Turton.


It makes it badder.

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Aaaaand as you may have noticed we are not following the “let 'em rip” path. It’s nice of you to support Turton’s claim! :slightly_smiling_face:


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It seems a few of you, even the bright ones, didn’t understand what he was saying.

Keep at it, folks! :rofl:


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Don’t know, won’t read that sort of claptrap.


I understood it was something about white males being stupid.

And that he as an enlightened white male would show the righteous path.

By criticising…Only white males :thinking:…Somewhere…Who…said something…

Go shove it Turton.


I don’t why he brings it up, this is Taiwan and Taiwanese make the decisions. Not even sure where he get’s his data for that talking point from.

Kinda just like he wants to talk about white males for no particular reason except wave his woke bona fides.


But…But…Are you white ?..Are you a man?

We need to determine your bias first you see.

OK, let me spell this out for you folks.

  • White guy contributor to the Taiwan News (not named as such): Omicron is an opportunity! We should let 'er rip!

  • Turton writing in the Taipei Times: This sort of plan will harm others, and cause damage to Taiwan’s export-oriented economy. [Provides details why.] Notes that it’s rarely women who declare that we must operate trains on time even if they end up running over people. Notes that the “Let 'er rip” crowd is usually white guys distanced from the impact.

Nothing we’ve seen in Taiwan contradicts these points. I’d add that the “greedy factory boss” figure (usually male, not white) is also a key player here in Taiwan—and you will note that figure also gets criticized in Turton’s piece.

If you guys need any more help to understand what he’s writing, let me know.



Maybe we could have like a color coding on posts.

Why is his colour important ?
Turton can go jump in a lake.


I mean most of the world is saying that. We have to live with it especially with omicron changing the game.

Are Singapore or Korea or Japan…WHITE now?

Should China keep looking down 20 million citizens because they are brown ?

First pronouns and now this. :file_cabinet:


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You may notice that these guys are not “letting 'em rip” either.

Eventually you may want to actually read what he wrote. :rofl:
