Is (personal or cyclist) liability insurance a thing here?


Back in Germany, it was considered the normal/responsible thing to have a liability insurance that just covers pretty much any damage you could accidentally be doing to other people. (I did end up breaking a tram before I was ensured and had to pay a LOT, so I’m extra on my toes about this now :sweat_smile:)

Now I gave up my German residence to move to Taiwan, and was trying to find liability insurance here. And I can’t find any except for cars and maybe youbike. I don’t drive, I cycle on my own bike. Am I googling wrong? How do I insure myself, maybe at least while I’m cycling?
(Extra points if I can get it online so I can get my computer to translate everything instead of dealing with people XD)

Best wishes :slight_smile:


Can’t help with your question, but I am curious about how you managed to break a tram.



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Needed to cross the road in a hurry, on my bike. Waited for a tram going right (from my point of view) to pass, then quickly proceeded to cross. Hidden behind that first tram was a second one, going left on the other track, appearing into my field of view in the exact moment I was already rolling onto its track. I only remember thinking “OH $&*#”, then I woke up to a bunch of people hustling around me, and not remembering who I was. Tram had knocked me 10m through the air, I had amnesia for a couple hours. But somehow I was out of the hospital four days later, was able to fix my bike, the only thing that had taken serious damage was the tram. So… I won?

(yeah that was a seriously idiotic mistake to make, but that’s my problem - I am often a clumsy idiot. Trying my best not to, but I’d still prefer to have insurance XD)


I bought this type of insurance using a global company for the first year when I lived in Taiwan. Then I just gave up as this does not seem to be a thing in Taiwan and now I do not have any.

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(edit olm: please note that the following is NOT valid legal advice. It is hilarious, however, and thus not moved to temp.)

I think the best insurance for you on your bicycle in case you cause harm to someone/something else is to roll around on the ground and act like you are near death no matter whose fault it is. Also, always carry 2 crisp 1000 dollar bills with you. It’s a good ‘here take this and go away’ incentive.


Haha okay I see, thanks! I’ll do my best to not destroy anything too substantial then ^^’

(and practice my footballer impression lol)


Interesting that you had the amnesia but also could recall what happened in terms of the event later on.

In my early teenage years I managed to knock myself unconscious by swinging on my arms between two chairs and slipped (apparently) but I did not and still don’t remember that happening and I recall from the hospital visit that I had lost two whole days memories.

I do recall watching Baby’s Day Out during the recovery and having a headache. Probably from the film

I find that kinda stuff really interesting too! I am missing a tiny bit of memory, it goes out after the oh sht* realization (but before actually making contact with the tram), but comes back from when I woke up on the street. And it’s super weird, remembering to not remember. Waking up was like coming out of a dream, the figures in my dream slowly converging to people actually standing around me (presumably busy scratching me off the street). The doc was testing my brain functionalities, asked me my name first… and my mind just didn’t come up with anything. Then he asked me the date, again, nothing. I looked around, above me I could see trees with green leaves on, and didn’t notice any particular cold… So I was like, ‘uh… summer?’ Then the entire ambulance ride I was just trying to figure out who I was, like “so… How do you find out stuff like that? Hm, what do I do? (no clue) Are there any skills I remember having? Would I even remember what I’m good at?” and so on. Wasn’t even scared at not knowing the answers, just got busy figuring out this riddle. Eventually remembered that the thing I’m good at is - solving riddles XD


Yas Insurance covers bike liabilities