Is Taiwan really not as clean?

Did the same thing. London is horrible. In all establishments that an overpriced meal (meaning some crap thing) costed less than 30 pounds the toilets were just unusable. Forget about Mc Donald’s, Starbucks etc. and i am talking about Westminster area.

My shoe repairer back home had a guy with a pair of 20+ year old Churches. Still had the original dowel in them.


Yup, English shoes are well made. If you’re someone who will wear these kind of shoes often, it’s worth to spend a bit more since cost per wear will be much better than cheaper shoes if you take care of them.


Was on the HSR this weekend. Cleaning lady wheeling the trash bin around had plastic disposable gloves on. She went into one of the bathrooms, wiped it down including the toilet, emptied the waste bin and picked up some tissues that spilled out. She then went to the next car, pressing the automatic door opener with the same gloves on!

:astonished: :man_facepalming: :face_vomiting:


smh. Need a new planet to live on, one thats clean

Key point indeed! Absorbent lasted tree shoes, proper waxing, polishing, etc. I’ve lost too many lovely suede shoes to the unexpected rains of Taiwan :cry:. Including a pair of Ferragamos I wore for less than an hour :sob:

It helps to spray something to prevent water and stains from damaging the suede.

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Absolutely!! A must have.

Taiwan is definitely cleaner but the flip side is NYC doesn’t have terrible air pollution and it’s much easier to breathe, you can see the real color of the sky.

The MTA pre Coronavirus was getting sooo bad. One of the big reasons we moved to JC instead of Queens was the PATH train is way nicer. The subway is getting borderline unusable now between overcrowded, hygenie problems from homelessness, broken a/c’s, delays from Katrina etc.


I dont consider paint to be maintenance ralted so.much as cosmetic. I mean more the electrical wires are bare and spliced, sticking out under leaking gutters/roof kind of maintenance. Or sewage going into ditches. This is still very common in taiwan. It is going the right direction, but noit close to good yet.

As brian mentions…better than china. Like the kid at school his mom that the other kids get soda in their lunch boxes why do.i have to have sugar free juice? As them mom exolains the logic and how she does it to improve the life of her child, it goes way over his or her ears until they get older and.have friends dead from heart failures and diabetes. Then they tank mom giving them all that shitty healthy food. Much is the same with countries. Comparing to someone worse doesnt tend tolead to improvement, just more justifications. there are sofas, fridges diapers and bags of househould trash dumped all over olaces with no people and street lights. Taiwan is pretty hardcore on throwing shit out on the street kr jnto tge woods and farms. I get Taipei is a bit better…but not Taiwan. 2 nights ago I was in the mcdonalds in Ximendin and.the garbage cans.were.erupting.and there were all manners of trash scattered along the floor. A good 20 plus customers upstairs. The bathroom was the same. I didnt even there, just left. The mrt had police and medics with a lady n a.wheel chair and bags scattered everywhere with a pretty heavy load of.blood all iver the floor. I think taiwan has its share of stuff that isnt.great, what is different (now) is that on a government level they do seem to mkve quick to fix problems and.more.recently start really promoting social rights and starting to get the gears moving on correctung.broken traditional systems that are incapable of.working. This is where taiwan shines if we do the compare to other countries thing. Its late, rambling…hope.that.made sense.

This is standard here, in hospitals too, I’ve seen countless times.

Sorry but the food hygiene standards are shockingly low here. One of the most disgusting and appalling examples of this I saw in a KFC in Taipei near the night market. To make matters worse, I had friends from Europe over here and it didn’t leave a good impression upon them.

I have pictures but it’s not for those with a delicate constitution. The long and short of it was there was a disgusting smell emanating from the kitchen yet despite this local people continued to order. I glanced at the back and saw emerging from one of the drains shit and sewage bubbling up onto the floor.

To my horror the workers just put on boots and continued to serve customers while they waded about in shit above their ankles. It was absolutely disgusting and I asked for my money back. They didn’t seem to even consider that the shit they were splashing about in in the kitchen could land on the food. They continued service for 30 minutes in this state, whilst the sewage continued to rise. The smell was unbearable.

My friend asked me. So this is normal in Taiwan, huh? It was disappointing because his girlfriend (also a foreigner) refused to eat anything from the nightmarket due to her doctor warning her about food poisoning from these kind of countries. I told her it was fine to eat and then 5 minutes later we see this…

Earlier he saw 3 people on a scooter, people washing dishes on the street etc… He thought it was a 3rd world country! Was hard to argue it wasn’t based on that experience. Personally, I wouldn’t say its clean here as the air is absolutely disgusting. It lays a horrible amount of pollution on a person each and every day and I can feel it affecting my health, as have others I’ve spoken too.


I wasn’t so much quoting maintenance more smartening up.
“Some only need a lick of white paint and difference would be amazing”

I done a post last week complaining about roof rain gutters.

Not as bad as mainland China cities that have to use electric scooters, have a wire plugged into multi sockets hanging out the windows to ground floor to charge scooters, wind and rain like a mini electrical storm flashing about.
I do agree 100% with you on this post.

well here almost you see the kitchens in Europe you dont have the chance to see what happens in the kitchens.

The air is cleaner in NYC.

I’ve never been to Jersey, except once to get gas off the Turnpike.

After I parked my car, this dude in a turban scared the crap out of me by showing up unannounced next to my car.

I have been to Taiwan once and the place that I have been too is clean and tidy.

well tbh it is. For a country to be properly a “first world” country (atleast everybodies vision of first world) then alot of things need to be in place and up to standard and taiwan is nowhere near up to standard on anything thats clean/health/sanitation related. Things in the future might change but i honestly dont see that happening.

Could i please see the pics, ive been to china so ive seen the worst there is to see.

After living in Taiwan for a while and returning, I was struck by the blast of fresh air in the Newark Airport parking lot, not a location that most area residents would associate with “fresh air”.


Not this again.