Is the Bible anti-gay?

This is the point I’m trying to make about homosexuality and the bible , it seems pretty obvious it’s not condoned but not as straightforward a sin as say "Adultery ".

Yes it is, and no it isn’t. Assuming the biblical texts are both accurate and haven’t been lost in translation, then if yes the assumption needs to be that the word rape was 100% sexual back then and referred to anal intercourse.

As you say, there is no specific mention in any Bible that I know of, so we are applying our views about language and behavior to another time.

Well the whole point of the 10 commandments is that they are absolute laws irrespective of time, but with Jesus cautioning the consequences of disobeying them with “He who is without sin cast the first stone”

Which one’s about being gay?

That’s found elsewhere:

Leviticus 20:13 (New International Version)

(Please note that in these posts, I am not expressing a personal opinion about homosexuality.)

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You can get arrested for quoting that in Canada as is what happened to Pastor David Lin. A wonderful preacher, and biblical scholar. I highly recommend his teachings.Alex Jones interviews pastor David Lin

I couldn’t open your link. Is it to one of the Ten Commandments?

No, it’s not. That’s what I meant by “elsewhere.”

This should work:

Leviticus 20:13 NIV - “‘If a man has sexual relations - Bible Gateway

It’s very strange: if I allow the “preview” function, the link doesn’t work. I should have checked that. Apologies for the difficulty.

This is what I see:

5 And they called unto Lot, and said unto him: ‘Where are the men that came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them.’
6 And Lot went out unto them to the door, and shut the door after him.
7 And he said: ‘I pray you, my brethren, do not so wickedly.
8 Behold now, I have two daughters that have not known man; let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do ye to them as is good in your eyes; only unto these men do nothing; forasmuch as they are come under the shadow of my roof.’

I think the meaning is entirely explicit in this time or any time.

Baloney. He got arrested for creating a disturbance which he most obviously was. He posted it on his Youtube as fast as he could with all his other Youtube videos

He seems like a total jackass by the way.

Is lying a sin?

It is, according to some sources.


I still can’t see how that’s anal sex.

Keep on watching there is always hope

When I was a young man, I spent some time in the military. They used to post copies of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, or at least parts of it, at various places in our environment. It’s a set of rules that contains various do’s and dont’s, some of them pretty serious.

I think they even had a copy posted in front of the chow hall at one duty station. Anyway, one of the articles of the UCMJ was called “Forcing a Safeguard.” I think it said that anyone caught forcing a safeguard would be put to death, but however it was worded, I’m pretty sure “death” was in there somewhere.

I went to my sergeant and asked him what forcing a safeguard was. He asked why I wanted to know, and I answered that it was in the UCMJ, that the penalty was death, that I didn’t want to be put to death, so I wanted to know what it was so that I could avoid it. I don’t remember precisely what the sergeant said in response, but I remember that it was insulting, and it probably contained obscenities.

I’ve stopped worrying about that, though. Interestingly, Wikipedia has an article on it:

Maybe one day, if I get the ambition, I’ll look into it.

If Jesus came back today, his resurrection would finally be true.

If Jesus were alive today, people would just make memes of his ridiculous antics.

If Jesus were alive today, he’d be rolling over in his grave.

When our pastor was explaining the story of Lott and the villagers wanting lott to send his guests"the angels" out side so they could rape them it was explained that this deviancy was why God didnt approve of gays.
I am ridiculously paraphrasing.
My 10 year old daughter stood up and politely raised her hand and asked if God was more mad at them for being gay or because they were angel rapists.
Also she was very upset that lott sent his daughters out to be raped Instead which is a perfect segway to my prior post on gun contol.:wink:

Gore Vidal had on good take on the subject:

“At least when the Emperor Justinian, a sky-god man, decided to outlaw sodomy, he had to come up with a good practical reason, which he did. It is well known, Justinian declared, that buggery is a principal cause of earthquakes, and so must be prohibited. But our sky-godders, always eager to hate, still quote Leviticus, as if that looney text had anything useful to say about anything except, perhaps, the inadvisability of eating shellfish in the Jerusalem area.”

This is ridiculous. Everybody knows it’s hurricanes.

Shellfish are a banned food by some Christian churches, probably a good idea considering the heavy metals :grinning: