Is the font smaller?

The overview latest thread listing screen looks large but when I click into a thread the font becomes very small. I noticed it maybe a month or two ago

Just wondering if it’s something on my side like a phone setting or something on the site.

If I increase the system font then the title becomes too large.

Samsung phone.

Like this for example.

That should be something in your phone.
I also use Samsung and all seems fine here.

Yes can change settings but it’s kind of universal.

When I change Forumosa thread font to a size I like, then everything else becomes too large.

On iPhone you are able to change system font size and accessibility options for each app individually. Might be worth looking into for your next device if you are struggling a bit with small font sizes. Android’s big accessibility issue is that the Google Play Store doesn’t check if apps still work with fonts turned right up, so most app developers don’t care. Last time I used my mom’s phone, half her apps were unusable because font was set too high. Even many of Google’s own apps don’t work with font set to highest. Buttons would just include the first two letters of their label cos the font was too large. Apple do a much better job holding developers accountable for these kinds of things and each app can be individually customized.

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Never noticed that.

Android usually gives much more granular control of apps but I guess not with font.