Is traffic the worst part of Taiwan's lingering third worldism?

It’s never too late to sell your motorcycle and convert to YouBike and public transit. :raised_hands:

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Fuck. Learn how to drive defensively, lady! :rant:



Even if there is no damage and the other party leaves, still call the police.
She could have returned when you left and called the police, claiming you left the place of accident. That would put you at fault by default.
Then she would sue you for her injuries. Heard stories like that, some people are shitty.


Some of us don’t work from home, and the MRT doesn’t go to my workplace

I’d rather move to a country where the average driver is less dangerous

Oh my, I didn’t think of that


Kind of difficult to sue him for injuries if he’s already left the scene without revealing to her his identity or leaving his contact info.

If there is CCTV, then it will show what really happened.

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But still, it is good advice. Better safe than sorry


My mate’s car was hit by a scooter rider who broke a red light. There were no injuries or damage, so both parties agreed to let it go and drove off. The scooter rider then sued my mate. He won 110k NT.


Who’s the “he” here?

Must be the rider that ran the red, that’s awful

The scooter rider. He claimed my mate left the scene of an accident.


After they left the police mediation place the cheeky bugger offered to buy my mate lunch.


How was he able to sue your mate? Did he just memorize his license plate number?

Even so, there’s no evidence your mate was the one driving at the time.

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Police can often find people even if there is not cctv at that specific intersection by looking at others in the area.

The point is that by then it does not matter what happened. The party that leaves the scene before the police arrives can be held liable for other party injuries.

Article 185-4 A person who flees after the motor vehicle he drives has caused an accident resulting in injury of another, shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not less than six months but not more than five years; a person who flees after the motor vehicle he drives has caused an accident resulting in death or aggravated injury of another, shall be sentenced to imprisonment for more than one year but less than seven years.
If a person commits the offenses specified in the preceding paragraph, and if the driver is not at fault for causing a death or injury in a traffic accident, the punishment may be reduced or remitted.
Criminal Code of the Republic of China - Article Search/Content Search Result - Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)


The CCTV would show that both parties left the scene.

Best and safest is to call the police.

If you want to agree without police, then need to draft an agreement on paper that both sign.

The least one could do is to film the aftermath and the verbal agreement to leave it at that as evidence.

Without any of the above you will be forced to prove your innocence. Why put yourself in a disadvantaged position?


I think he took a photo of my mate’s car as he drove away.

I had similar incident where I was waiting to turn left. The guy behind me bumped into my car without any damage.
I called the police and it was annoying. But it was clearly established that he was at fault and we immediately settled after the report was done at the police station.
Drafted a document that we agree to settle without any further claims from both. The guy agreed to give me 1000NTD for my troubles.


This is good advice.

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Now I’m a bit worried :worried:

Make sure to ask them if they are feeling okay or need medical help as well.

Basically so they don’t claim you left them there after the accident to die on the curb :grin: