Is traffic the worst part of Taiwan's lingering third worldism?

Sadly, this only really applies to Taipei area. Most of the other cities are not that great. Railroads are good too.

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Well most of the big cities are good. The countryside in most countries is terrible for public transportation.
I lived in the countryside in the British Isles. The place I lived had a used car sales room , a few hundred houses , a few farms and one bus a week on Thursdays. I guess that bus was to help people move out of the antiquated agrarian lifestyle. :joy:
Actually a few hundred houses is exaggerating, probably 150 lol

Most of the country is not laid in a grid layout and mirrors Japan’s mess.

Yeah, I think I wrote the same years ago. Which means they are not totally skills lacking. It’s just that they are fucking selfish and when they do reckless things (and you see those constantly on the road) they rely on people around and luck.

Still you can see accidents every other day even if you don’t look for them (there was a time I used to ride around more than the strictly needed for commuting home and pay attention to these things… and yeah, it seems that there are accidents around every day).


Interestingly the people of Japan don’t feel the need to drive like entitled jerks in such circumstances.



I rode my bike this morning along the south side of Xinyi Road in Taipei. It was like one big bonfire from east to west.

I’d like to nominate the “burning sh&t in blazing heaps on the sidewalk” option as a possible rival answer to this thread’s question.



I’ve been here years and can deal with all local customs and should do, but that one really gets on my nerves. Just because of the smoke.

The flying burning particles can also be an issue.

And no, just because you’ve almost lit me on fire on this auspicious day does not mean I will support your business! :rant:



The company I work for suffered a fire few years ago. Not long after the fire, grandma (it is a family run company) was burning stuff inside the factory building. I took a photo and sent it to my boss (grandma’s son). He said it was just one special day.

Happily, I work most of the time from home.

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Yeh pointed out that in 2020 Taiwan, which has a population of 23.57 million, reported [2,972 traffic-related fatalities

Yeh is actually doing solid work on traffic. I’ve been looking into this and most of the stuff she puts out lines up with what the experts on Youtube say.

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So now we have figured out how her aides spend their days!


Taiwan namba one

I’m an excellent driver!



GPS said turn sharp right!


either there’s a fight in there, or the guy’s distracted (cell phones or eating).

Or Skynet took over.

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I was thinking he dropped the phone or spilled a (possibly hot) drink on his lap.

If so, why the hell was he fooling around with a phone while driving on a highway? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


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The driver most likely fell asleep at the wheel.

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Quite a few drivers on their phone and not for navigation. Probably checking messages or social media. Near my place it’s pretty common to see people on their phone and sitting at a green light because they only focus on their phone…not even giving a quick glance to see the road conditions let alone the actual street light…longest I’ve seen was about 40-50 seconds. Hard to beat that since it’s hard to go that long without someone coming from behind you.

Other day saw a bus and quite a few cars jump the light (5-10s before the green light) to turn together right in front a couple of scooter cops who didn’t really care and then proceeded to drive to the next block to set up and sit on the corner and wave down people who run red lights…going the other way was another scooter cop who ran a red light too.