Is Tsai trying to shut down CTi News?

I agree with CTI being banned, but the reasoning of this case Is shoddy. They should be banned because of obvious collusion with CCP, but the reasoning of giving too much airtime to Han is problematic. I don’t see why need so much due process when Taiwan is at war.

Brian Hioe at New Bloom comments on the NCC ruling, framing the issue not in terms of “free speech” but in terms of disinformation. It’s an informative read.


First of all, it isn’t the main reason why the channel getting banned. That was the reason for CTI being fined in 2019. Some countries require news channels to provide balanced airtime for candidates by law.


Second, the channel is primarily getting banned because there is clear evidence that their owner, Cai Yanming, interfered with news editing and content broadcasted.


But lets be honest here what happened. Those were just excuses to use a slither of due process to rightly get rid of a CCP backed news station.

Then CTi and Cai perhaps should do better to not give such easy excuses to those non-CCP backed groups in Taiwan. All it would take was to report the news like a real news station.


Agree, Want Want and its media are the most ridiculous and egregious examples of Chinese infiltration and misinformation. I dont even think in their cases should have to go through all the rigmarole.

Is it morally wrong for me to keep buying Want want’s 米豆?

If you ask me? Yes.

Yes. Don’t buy anything from Want Want. If you meant 米餅, just buy the ones from Chishang Farmers’ Association. The curry one is amazeballs.

So quick to decide! Are there not Taiwanese in their employ, who derive a living, regardless of their evil empire employer’s political association?

First they came for our freedoms. And I didn’t speak out because I worked for them.


There are Taiwanese in their employment who deserves a living working in a non-evil corporation without political association with an enemy state.


Err 外國人 doing some face saving here but fwiw 米豆 is a Want want product name, they are rice crackers shaped in little beans. :wink:

I don’t no sh*t, but it feels like this is a slippery slope. I actually liked to watch their biased stuff. It’s good to have the whole spectrum, not?

Well, does it really matter, people get their news less and less from the TV.

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The Chinese government abuses freedoms given by democracies all over the world to advance it’s nefarious goals. They are clearly already in a cold war with the West and potentially hot one with Taiwan. I don’t see why need to give a fuck about their freedom of speech. Lots of old people in Taiwan get news from TV and Taiwan has like the oldest population in the world

Sorry but that is grossly inaccurate. Taiwan isn’t remotely close to having the oldest population in the world. Germany, Japan and Italy have the oldest population in the world (what an unfortunate coincidence). Taiwan is way down the list. It’s just aging at a relatively fast rate.


Ooooh mind changed, well Taiwan has a shit load of old voters who get news from TV

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I remember when cable used to carry actual stations from China. Of course they were mostly rebroadcasts of Party pronouncements, so the only reason people watched the stations was to bet on the basketball and soccer games.

I think you mean 小饅頭, or maybe 米豆 is what they are called in China? in which case I wouldn’t know or care to know. In Taiwan, 米豆 refers to a type of actual beans.