Islands near KeeLung?

Hi, I was reliably informaed that there were 3 small islands near KeeLung: HePing Island, KeeLung Island, and another whose name escapes me…

One of the islands is connected by a footbridge and has a park. The other two require short boat trips to get there. One is uninhabited and difficult to get to…

That’s about all I know…

I’ve asked some friends who come from KeeLung, and recieved mixed reactions; some were aware of them while others were not. No-one had actually been there.

Can anyone add some info?


The Big Babou :wink:

Our travel plans a trip to little Island, but you need four people min

see us at:

opps. Wrong forum.

I grew up in Keelung (Chi-Du), there’re actually 4 islands, mostly uninhabited

Heping Island is part of Keelung Municipality (city), 2 sides of island are surrounded by ocean and the other 2 are by river where streets are connected with it.

Speaking of Mike’s website, I disagree all country sides are all dull, other than Chiayi (gansters, crimes, etc).

The Keelung city Govenment should get someone to check their english before they put it up on the website

Keelung islets has 4 islets(PENGCHIA YU, MIENHUA YU, HUAPING YU, KEELUNG YU ), they are various out of the Keelung city seaside. From Keelung city near north coast, we would see their beautiful landscape. And Keelung islets had become the landmark in Keelung city. Keelung islets’s nature resource is richness ]like birds (ex: Butastur indicus, Accipiter soloensis, Egretta eulophotes, Anous stolidus, Sterna anaetheta, Sterna sumatrana), plants, and rocks. Now, Keelung city government and C.O.A. had plan a wildlife refugee in here. Keelung city government will plan to develop a Island Oceanic Park in Keelung islets, and then visitors can to see this sights in safely. Keelung islets are volcanic islets, there are cliffs everywhere, no planes.