Israel declares state of war after terrorist attacks

Being able to identify who is right and who is wrong is a clear indication you don’t follow or understand this conflict.
Here & now, Hamas is wrong. But in the past, Israel has been just as wrong. We don’t need right/wrong, we need a solution thats not a ‘final solution’ , which both parties appear to wish on each other.

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Just as wrong? Bullshit. In 48, they were surrounded by how many Arab armies? In 67, did not Nasser close the Straits of Tiran to start it? In 1973, who attacked first? Need I go on? In 56, how many feedayeen raids? Ditto for Lebanon–was the PLO not stirring up shit?

Hamas deserves a hurricane of shit. And they’ll get it. :laughing:


Hmmm…ethnic cleansing? Poisoning Palestinian water?

However if some murder suspects are firing automatic weapons at you but are surrounded by civilians? Do you just mow everybody down or back off and lock down the crime scene until the bad guys make a mistake and you have a clean shot? What if the murderers use the civilians as human shields? Do you just say ‘fuck it’ and mow everybody down or do you do your best to minimize casualties?

I don’t know why Ben Shapiro doesn’t know why some people don’t care as much about economic development as he does. I’m sure if you gave Taiwanese people money to leave, they’d leave. Not everyone is like that, though.

Oh, when men call each other Baby it’s condescending :person_facepalming:


I prefer Sugar.


Documented by the UN…shit. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: I’d trust Long Dong Silver to be a better arbiter.

I wonder if it includes any UN peacekeeper crimes as documented by Old Comrade Stalin in this old post: Who’s Next for US Targeting? - Politics / International Politics - Forumosa

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Siri, search for “turn the Middle East into glass.” :bomb: :mushroom: :cloud_with_lightning:

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No conscription in The Yook (one of the countries mentioned) so impossible to know if the IDF reservists would be superior to UK conscripts.

One would think they OUGHT to be superior to Hamas fighters, (perhaps the more relevant comparison) who (I guess) didn’t have any combat experience either and probably had less training, but they did have the initiative, which probably makes a big difference, shock and awe stylee.

Closest we have is the TA. Varies a lot, but, having been one, I dont really know about its combat capability, because I didn’t really know about mine, since I was never shot at while in uniform (I was in an EOD squadron)

I’ve only been shot at by the IDF, while I was a civilian. (Area fire, nothing personal, just in my general direction.)

Maybe 'warning shots" would be more accurate, but someone was apparently hit. (a rather stern warning) though I didn’t see this happen.

I curled up and hid.

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Yeah because Europe has the moral obligation. Especially the UK and Germany considering the history.

Come to think ont, how do you know this?
I have no combat experience or (forensic) explosive experience, so I dont know how one would tell that grenade casualties were curled up and hiding before they died.

I don’t find it implausible, (or especially shameful) and the reported lack of return fire tends to support it, but it seems a bit of a stretch to state it as a fact.

Therefore, historically Europe is morally bad, but now it’s good.


About what?

What would really help is if God appeared to Netanyahu and told him that what seemed like a good idea back in 2,000 BC was actually one of his biggest historical mistakes and he should have picked Beverly Hills instead as the homeland of the Jewish people.

I’m not sure what you are talking about.

A reservist with three years or so military training seems more likely to be better than a conscript.

But, as I only ever get selectively quoted or not quoted at all, who fucking knows.

Well start quoting me then.

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