I've watched over 100 dashcams...how to prevent car accidents in taiwan

nah bro. wrong class. and color.

those types of tractors dont really work well in Taiwan anyway, other than the big road hauling. as shitty as the little asian trucks are, they get into tight places

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Just wanted to share a cool tune for while you are rolling through the highways and byways of Taiwan.

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My best advice is use public transport, let someone else take care of the driving and road rage.
Second best advice is not to use your signal lights and change lanes at will, that will keep the other drivers on their toes. They should fear you, not the other way around.
Third advice, stick to the right as much as possible, to force scooters to overtake you from the left, and not cut you from the right. If a scoother wants to squeeze, let them graze the pavement instead of your car.

  • Best advice is ofcourse to drive according to the law, and maintain safe distance from other vehicles.
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I do. My wife says I’m going to get hit by a baseball bat.

I have to teach my wife to use it. And I also have to convince my wife that you have to put on the turn signals before you actually turn, she thought you have to put it on when you are turning.


I’ve also heard this. I guess my time will come eventually because I’m not letting up on the horn usage.

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oh sorry. I have sketchy connection, didn’t open. only saw that massive Teansformers truck haha. Will open it up when back to civilization :slight_smile: cheers

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Yeah, it’s the standard fear trope that’s been banging about for decades. It dehumanises the Taiwanese and reduces them to violent thugs. Taiwanese people in general aren’t going to beat the shit out of you over a honked horn.

The trick is to buy a small bat for behind/under your seat, large ones dont work well. aluminum is better, the small bat wood quality is suspect at best.

Note, police do fine people for having bats, pipes etc behind their seats haha.

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they certainly do still beat the shit out of mirrors and lights to make a point though :face_with_spiral_eyes:

I still see the odd unlucky bad driver pinned in by a very stereotypical TaiKe, often balding and angry, carrying some form of stick, taser or even the odd pepper spray. It’s getting better :slight_smile: but I wouldnt be horn heavy without something to back it up personally.

A friend years ago made a point which switched my ultra defensive tune. He discussed how so many ofthese hot heads dont just de escalate after getting back into their cars. that anger is real, and it often goes home with them… Iftheu have families, watch out. it made me rethink a lot. now it is either such a severe situation that an ambulance or police car is involved, or (most likely) just de escalate the things with a sorry, smile and dont get ego involved. If for no other reason than they might have a partner or child at home that might get the brunt of that assholes immaturity.

This friends insights on that, although simple and obvious, are pretty good in my opinion. always think about his thoughts when driving now.

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It’s really a simple thing to understand. The more expensive the vehicle the more important the person in control of it thinks they are.

For example a brand new Mercedes’ or bmw g class or x6 is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more important than a 20 year old ford or Toyota. But that same 20 year old ford or Toyota is more important than any scooter regardless of age. Any scooter is more important than a person wearing shoes. They will aim for you while deliberately looking away probably so they can argue they never saw you when they hit you. Mostly it’s because they expect you to stop for them.

I’ve seen idiots on scooters get quite upset when I’ve kept walking right in front of them on the walk sign. And some car drivers have gone nuts hitting the horn.

But I’d it really any different in other places? You see videos all the time from all over the world now of really shitty driving.

My only real critique of Taiwans roads is lack of enforcement of the rules and the use of utterly useless driver training in order to qualify for a license. Addressing those two issues would help save hundreds of lives each year. Especially if those punished were required to relearn road rules and pedestrian and driver safety.


Same here lol

Mine has mirrors that flash when people come up around you.

I gave a guy the finger once and he nearly ran us off the road.

essentially agree with your sentiment. but, just cause, what about these points:

~Most commercial trucks are more expensive than most of the common Mercedes on the road.

~ Most actually high cars like rolls Royce’s, Bugatti etc drive somewhat carefully because they realise how expensive it is to fix them.

There are always the exception(al) assholes.

Perhaps to your point, the lower end wastes of money type cars (most Lexus, BMW, Porsche, benzes etc now) are the most entitled. the same type of people buy expensive bags for their wives while.living in the Taiwan equivalent of a trailer park. the people that actually made money from nothing are different group. the people that are in it for the face are the scary as all fuck group. be it on the roadways or otherwise in society.

There are loads of truly rich people that have as many holes in their clothes as I do around their area :grin: Another thing I LOVE about Taiwan. these poor but arrogant c*nts…well, they are responsible for untold deaths and medical issues here.

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Where on a bell curve do you consider that incident?

Stopping and dealing with the problem is by far safer than speeding away. most of those guys are like guard dogs. slap em on the nose and they go away barking at half volume.

Right ahead of Britain’s colonization of Canaduh.


Lol sounds like alot of ppl here are implying their own taiwanese wives are the worst drivers

Just watched that video. Respect the passion. but respectfully, I am far more this style:


But always down for the techno temple hoedown once or twice a year as well :slight_smile:

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Sorry about that. Was having a bad day.

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