Jail toilets face away from Mecca

Accurate answer: it’s 72 virgins *), and they are promised as a reward for martyrs, though of course it’s debatable if suicide bombers are such.
Note however that the number 72 is not specified in the Koran itself, see the last quote below.

*) Also read the following article and note the issue about the possible error in translation of the word ‘hur’, i.e. it may not mean ‘virgins’ after all:
Virgins? What virgins?

Look, the fact is that you are on a globe, and therefore can draw a straight line between you and Mecca no matter what direction you are facing.

MECCA :laughing: :notworthy: :moon: :braveheart: The Rest of Humanity

I’m sure if the tables were turned they’d show us the same consideration.

They get toilets???

If nothing else works, there’s always this simple solution:

If you don’t want to shit facing Mecca, don’t go to prison.

[quote=“seeker4”]If nothing else works, there’s always this simple solution:

If you don’t want to shit facing Mecca, don’t go to prison.[/quote]

They could always sit side-saddle. Also, we can do away with prison chaplains, saving a tidy bundle, since there is a neat variation on your quote: “If you want to honor your religion, don’t go to prison.” Not to mention the small fortune that must be spent supplying prayer mats, Sunday services and bibles to inmates around the world.

It does not follow that respecting strangers when you first meet them means you must continue to respect them after they molest you.

Whether respect is earned or bestowed, what it comes down to is each individual choosing to treat someone else with respect (or not). If a stranger were to walk up to me and molest me as you describe (excepting that I have no tits to grab), I would feel disrespected. I would also feel disappointed that the stranger did not feel any obligation to respect me. I suspect that if two strangers have no respect for each other at all, then cases like this would be more common. As I write this, there is a friendly reminder next to this entry field that says, “Treat people with respect.” Isn

Nicely stated Caliborn. :bravo:


There’s such a thing as being so open minded your brains fall out. Somewhere we must draw the line between genuine religious conviction and goofy-ass nonsense. You can’t just make up shit and call it a devout religious belief, which is why I asked if any of this BS is in the Koran. I highly doubt it. You may say it’s an arbitrary decision, and maybe in a strictly logical sense you’re right, but in the real world the government makes a distinction tax-wise and conscientous objecter-wise between an established church like the Quakers and even the Mormons, and people like David Koresh. I mean, I could just invent my church right now (just like L. Ron Hubbard) and claim that my followers must wear toilet paper on their heads facing Map Ref. 41 N 93 W (the geographic center of North America) whenever they puke up breakfast after a hard night’s binge drinking (as is required every weekend as my church’s ritual). Does that mean you have to respect my beliefs?

mod lang and CaliBorn: Good points.

It might be helpful to make a distinction between respect and courtesy. For me, respect must be earned before I can bestow it. However, I can always choose to treat anyone or anything with courtesy well before respect is earned.

[quote=“seeker4”]mod lang and CaliBorn: Good points.

It might be helpful to make a distinction between respect and courtesy. For me, respect must be earned before I can bestow it. However, I can always choose to treat anyone or anything with courtesy well before respect is earned.[/quote]

That is all semantics to me. At the core of it all is respect. Courtesy,polietness,etc all stem from respect. I think Caliborn said it best.

Yes, that’s a good distinction. Regarding the jail toilets, I see facing them in a particular direction to meet their religious requests as a courtesy. Judging from many of the responses here, it’s a hard thing for us to seriously respect.

I really don’t see the big deal here. All they are asking is for the toliets be facing another direction. Do a google search on lawsuits in America by prisoners and you will find alot more asinine requests.