Jay-Z in the ROC

LOLOL shall I get the Vaseline for ya!!!

Yes, I’d MUCH rather be slaving in Taiwan rather than have the life of a worldwide superstar.
Jay-Z was wicked last night btw.
The afterparty was…how do you say…HYPE!

PIMP! would have also been acceptable.

I think the PSB objected to the line “R.O.C. we runnin’ this rap shit”.

Saw the show last night. I was disappointed to say the least. I’m glad I only bought the NT$800 tickets.

The stage show was basically nothing. It was just Jay-Z and his rapping partner walking around rapping out short versions of his well-known songs. There were no surprise appearances by Beyonce or anyone else. There were no dancers, explosions or props of any kind. Is that what keeing it real means? I don’t especially like Jay-Z’s music so much (better with Weezer) but I figured a superstar would put on a super show. But it was totally average in my opinion. I missed MC Hot Dog, but I probably would have liked it better.

I’d say the Black Eyed Peas show was ten times better. Now the new dome stadium - that was nice. And good sound too.

Oh, almost forgot. He must have said R.O.C. thirty times, often within his lyrics. I think he said ‘Taiwan’ just once. Shmuck.

I supposed changing the record label to Taiwanockerfella would be too much of a mouthful. If I ever start a record label, though, I will definitely use this. “Taiwanockerfellas are running this rap shit!”

Quite enjoyed Jay-Z’s show last night. Just disappointed that Beyonce didn’t show up as she was in Taiwan alright. MC Hot Dog and friends were good, and yes, Ai Taimei is a great song.
The DJ Craze who opened the show got on my nerves after a while because he only did short bits of songs. I prefer to hear the full-length songs, even if it’s a dj mixing stuff.
I’m not a real hiphop fan so I didn’t know all the Jay-Z songs, but I really thought it was big fun.

I saw that Josefus called the afterparty ‘hype.’
I went over to Plush but when I saw the lines there, I thought it would be packed like sardines, so I just went home instead. Did Jay-Z and Beyonce ever show up, or was it just a repeat of the DJ Craze show?

Even if they had shown up, they probably would have been partying in the VIP room away from the plebs.

Yeah, they’d be counting all their money and laughing like this: “BWAHAHAHAAAA!”

Rant On
What is with the queuing thing in Taiwan. I mean they seem to want the queue as long as possible? Why not just open the doors 15 minutes earlier and get people in, particularly when you are selling beer inside.

Onto the subject of beer, plastic glasses as opposed to glass bottles at this type of thing surely? No surprise that people started throwing the empties after so much waiting for the main event and Mrs Allen got struck a mighty blow on the bonce. Not sure whether to blame Heineken or the event sponsors for this.

As for the show itself, hmm after the queue we had DJ No Name and his weak warm up man. This went on forever and the crowd was clearly bored. The only response really being when he played Michael Jackson of all things. Eventually they gave up and brought on MC Hotdog who was desperately unpopular judging by the hostile crowd reaction. Wo Ai Tai Mei was well received but by that stage most of the mob was positively seeting. Finally the stage hands came on to set up the stage (WHAT?). Yes set up the stage for Jay-Z oh and then the DJ guy and another warm up guy came on…Was this all planned or was (as we suspected) Jay-Z out back getting Jiggy with his Mrs?
Rant off

Don’t know much of his stuff, liked 99 problems but seriously the show was poorly organised, and very very weak. Possibly my last concert in Taiwan.

these singers in a long list just come over for the money and give shite shows…James Barone in Taiwan News said it best a few weeks ago. Give us our money back, punks! Although he did like the Jay Z concert.