Jay-Z in the ROC

It’s been the year of the hiphoppers so far … after 50 Cent, Black Eyed Peas and this Saturday’s Missy Elliott, it’s now the turn of the rapper who keeps going on about the R-O-C …
Jay-Z is expected in concert at the Taipei Arena (the small giant egg) on Sat. Oct. 21.

I think I read somewhere there is some confusion over his tour dates. I believe he’s playing both Singapore and Shanghai on the 23rd. The ROC must indeed be running his rap shit.

Sorry but anyone with the name Jay sucks. Jay Chou Mo. Jay Z. I could care less.

Can a sista get some rap over here that doesn’t have to do with the N word and drugs? Like Mos Def? I guess not, this ain’t the year for intelligence… :s

girl rap aint about lyrical intelligence… its about beats, grooves, and raw funk. the intelligence of the soul. with all that bomb bass, and smooth grooves, who listens to the lyrics anyway? the way i see it, if u want to pay attention to words and learn something … then read a book. if you want great hip hop and the best beats … then its west coast all the way :wink: Check out J5, Blackalicious, DJ Quik or “It’s My Thing” by Kurupt or “Frontline” by Pharcyde or just pm me and we can exchange some great hip hop mp3’s

and… now a question… where can a dude go to pick up tix for jay z.? i just want to buy em cash the old fashioned way. do u just show up at the party room and buy em? does anyone here know?

thx J


This is a joke right? No one can be fakin’ the funk that badly as to say something so ignorant about rap.

haha, anytime amigo. just say the word. whether its mixing, on bass, drums or the mic… we’ll see who goes home cryin

THAT’S hip hop.

and yeah, thats exactly right. lyrics are not all that important imo. Rhythm and the vibe you bring are everything. So far as mc’s go, I think dialect, vocal tone, and mic prescence are waaaay more important than what’s actually being said. . in other words, just like jazz, blues, soul, etc… its the MUSIC that takes precedence. it’s always been that way. And to say that ur “faking the funk” because you think the music is more important than the words is just ignorant of everything hip hop is, and came from.

That being said, we all are entitled to our preferences obviously. Some people have less musical sense than others and need lyrics as a point of reference to relate to songs. Some people want to use hip hop as a vehicle to say what they gotta say about how they’re feeling about this and that. Thats cool. whatever. But look at it this way, if you’ve got insights and lyrics comparable to Nietzsche on top of boring beats, while i’m rapping about my cat’s @$$ over some seriously fat track, i’m the one thats going to get all the props, and you’re the one who just got bombed.

And thats what i love about hip hop.

Tonight’s the night.
Anyone else going?
There’s a very strong rumor circulating that Beyonce will make an appearance, but that remains to be seen.

The evening paper also says Beyonce is arriving with Jay-Z from Korea this afternoon, though that of course doesn’t mean she will perform.
Being of a cynical disposition, I suspect it could be a trick to sell more tickets.

Also, Jay-Z is only expected to come on stage at 9:30 because locals MC Hot Dog and Green Lantern (whoever they are) will first perform. That’s not something which will please fans who just want Jay-Z, I imagine.

I bet they’ll do “Crazy in Love” together.
With live horns.
If she doesn’t do anything at the concert, she’ll probably put in appearance at the afterparty.

Hey MC Hot Dog Rocks. Wo Ai Tai Mei is just a great track. Anyways I will be there and am sure it’ll be fun whoever plays on the bill.

Well, I was wrong to be skeptical.

Beyonce is here after all. TVBS just showed them arriving at the airport, Jay-Z with a couple of huge bodyguard types, and Beyonce hiding in the back under the cap of her jacket. Only her mouth was visible.

Beyonce reminds me of my cousin Paris. Spoiled and overhyped because she’s a little cute. If she was ugly (or uglier…eye of the beholder and all), she’d just be another choir girl back in Texas.

I don’t know if she’s even a little cute, IMO. I’ve never liked her, given the politics surrounding her group and her control freak of a father. But I will give him this- he has made her in to one hell of a star machine. But I hope she can take Jay Z’s cheating…

What politics surrounding her group? Was there ever any question that Destiny’s Child was a star vehicle for Beyonce from day 1?

Beyonce reminds me of my cousin Paris. Spoiled and overhyped because she’s a little cute. If she was ugly (or uglier…eye of the beholder and all), she’d just be another choir girl back in Texas.

I don’t know if she’s even a little cute, IMO. I’ve never liked her, given the politics surrounding her group and her control freak of a father. But I will give him this- he has made her in to one hell of a star machine. But I hope she can take Jay Z’s cheating…

Jealousy will get you nowhere, ladies. :smiley:

T’aint jealousy. I’ve never aspired to be a fame-seeking skank. Or his daughter for that matter.

Y’now they/he got banned in China?

His next stop was Shanghai, but the PSB decided not.

Well, that’s China for you.

MC Hot Dog is a Tainanren, right?

Saw him at the Pig Pen in Taichung.

Good value for money!

Jealousy will get you nowhere, ladies. :smiley:[/quote]

Jealousy of what? I wouldn’t give my life to be in her shoes. Life in the spotlight is a bitch and not worth half the money you would make.

Besides, I know I look better than her. :laughing: