Jeremy Lin Answers Cultural Appropriation Question, Thug Life

But he only got the Taiwan passport so he wouldn’t have to compete for the foreign player spot on his team in the CBA…

He probably would have just gotten a Chinese passport if China allowed dual citizenship.

It’s like I understand why one would do this to get a leg up, but at the same time it’s like spitting in the faces of Taiwanese fans who loved him for representing Taiwan.


I can forgive him if he plays for the Taiwanese national team.

There was nothing stopping him from playing for the Taiwanese national team even before him getting his new Taiwan passport. Yet you didn’t hear him joining Team Taiwan to gain a spot in the 2020 Olympics before it was canceled.

The shop even said they were culturally appropriating, without even knowing how that’s bad. Again, that’s completely tone-deaf. They’re not even aware of the issue at hand.

According to a screenshot of the original message posted by Twitter user @davenewworld_2, the cafe said its name is an “appreciation of black southern culture and the grind , hustle . and drive that we put into the brand.”

It’s not. Cultural appropriation is neither good nor bad.


which is why i think its a stupid word. and cultural appreciation, which it seems to be in this case, is good.


I think you meant not necessarily good or bad. Surely you don’t think corporations patenting native plants and remedies as not bad.

Why are you defending this loony?

The fact that she complains about cultural appropriation when she’s speaking English shows how ridiculous the idea is.



This is obviously not the same thing as cultural appropriation.


Well the same issue of theft is what the woman is bringing up.

The tea shop:

  1. Knowingly used a symbol in black culture for profit.
  2. Did not get permission, as far as we know. Did not pay any royalties.
  3. Is not employing any African-Americans.
  1. A drug den is a symbol of black culture? Don’t be racist :wink:

  2. Permission from? Pay royalties to black people?

  3. So?


Are you joking? How is what they’re doing theft? Who owns (or would even want to own) the copyright to the concept of a trap house? And they can hire whoever the hell they want to.


The tea shop:

  1. Knowingly used a symbol in taiwanese culture for profit.
  2. Did not get permission, as far as we know. Did not pay any royalties.
  3. Is not employing any Taiwanese.

why didn’t you bring this up?

People DID get permission. Taiwan’s been trying to export bubble tea to the rest of the world. Same thing with salsa dancing, and the qipao.



Dancing and the qipao are in the same category as rap music. Bubble tea is not, its business. You think taiwanese exported bubble tea so all the other asian people could copy it and get rich? That’s not how business works.

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I learned a new usage of the word trap today.

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“Shut your trap?” :sunglasses: