JFRV vs. living in Taiwan?

Just a quick check if anyone knows: Is there any requirement known that to apply for an JFRV you need to have lived / plan to live in Taiwan for a certain amount of time?

I am married to a Taiwanese, and now plan to get an JFRV - while living mainly abroad. Just in case we want to move to Taiwan again we want to already have everything settled from the beginning. From what I found on the official NIA etc. websites and in this part of Forumosa I guess there is no such requirement. Is this also your understanding?

It seems to me that actually being in Taiwan is not necessary to hold a JFRV. Only just before it expires you need to be there in order to renew it (by showing a current household registry info proving you are still married). If you let it expire you need to provide health and background checks again when getting a new one, see this thread.

Anything else I am missing?

Yes, I think you are correct. Good luck.

Did you keep your jfrv while living mainly abroad? @olm