So VP Biden decided to tell everyone to stay away from enclosed spaces with other people, like malls, planes, restaurants, etc. He even used the wrong term, swine flu. I often feel that if he didn’t exist we would have to make him up.
nah this is hardly scraping the bottom. Joe Biden is an idiot and makes these kinds of stupid statements pretty frequently. I don’t know how anyone can defend the guy. He’s in bed with the RIAA lobbyists, he created the RAVE act and Patriot act and in general just makes these dumbass statements from time to time.
“You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent… I’m not joking.” --Joe Biden
“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” --Joe Biden on Barack Obama
"“A man I’m proud to call my friend. A man who will be the next President of the United States — Barack America!” --Joe Biden, at his first campaign rally with Barack Obama (Watch video clip)
“Look, John’s last-minute economic plan does nothing to tackle the number-one job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barack says, a three-letter word: jobs. J-O-B-S, jobs.” --Joe Biden
"When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn’t just talk about the princes of greed. He said, ‘Look, here’s what happened.’ – Joe Biden
Joe Biden… A man one heart beat away from the Presidency.
By the way, Biden’s statement was a response to a question asking him what he would recommend to his family given the flu situation. So the claim that he told everyone to stay away from enclosed spaces with other people, like malls, planes, restaurants, etc. is false.
Even Okami’s link includes the words “I would tell members of my family…”
So, what’s the big deal? Honestly. How is this a gaffe?
[quote=“Okami”]So VP Biden decided to tell everyone to stay away from enclosed spaces with other people, like malls, planes, restaurants, etc. He even used the wrong term, swine flu. I often feel that if he didn’t exist we would have to make him up.
MM has [/quote]
You’re desperate.
Telling people to be overly cautious about something hardly compares to telling kids that condoms don’t work and that abstinence is the final solution. The net result of 8 years of George Putz’s sex ignorance campaign was increased teen pregnancy and increased STD transmission.
And quoting from Malkin doesn’t lend any credibility. She belongs in Angeles City, not Los Angeles.
Sleepyhead, alas this is not a thread about Bush, I thought the Obama administration was doing a good job with the swine flu, and the link to Malkin has a clip showing Biden saying those types of things. The clip is from that known rightwing outlet MSNBC.
Let’s hope that the Obama administration can do as good a job combating HIV and AIDS in the nation’s capital. Did you see the Washington Post op ed by Michael Gerson? Of the 40-49 year old age group in Washington D.C., 7.2% are HIV positive.
I wonder what kind of comment would VP Biden make about this?
Cheney didn’t want to become president after Bush, and even his harshest detractors know that he would have been qualified or sharp enough to handle the role (don’t know if the same could be said of Biden .) I mean, Cheney got involved more in shaping policy than any VP in history. And let’s not forget his tremendous success in the private sector as well ( Rumsfeld too for that matter :bravo: ). I can’t believe you’d even want to compare Biden to Cheney. Biden is career politician that has pretty much had the same position for the past 20 years (before becoming VP) and who has put his foot in his mouth from the very beginning.
God you are full of shit. Was there even the remotest option of Cheney becoming prez after Bush? Was there even a sliver of hope Bush could follow Bush, presuming it was legally possible? You have completely forgotten what a complete debacle the Bush years have been both to the American and global economies and America’s global standing.
Typical petty pundit ala campus politics to try and score some half-arsed point with such a predictably stupid reply. And you are serious in this oift twaddled ambition for real life politics? I don’t believe you for a moment.
God you are full of shit. Was there even the remotest option of Cheney becoming prez after Bush? Was there even a sliver of hope Bush could follow Bush, presuming it was legally possible? You have completely forgotten what a complete debacle the Bush years have been both to the American and global economies and America’s global standing.
Typical petty pundit ala campus politics to try and score some half-arsed point with such a predictably stupid reply. And you are serious in this oift twaddled ambition for real life politics? I don’t believe you for a moment.
Well, who the hell would want to clean up that mess?
Cheney shot a guy in the face while drunk.
Cheney had an approval rating even lower than Bush. He would never have been elected even if he ran.
His name is dick and he lives up to his name.
Biden is a dumbfuck career politician but so is Cheney. Masquerading as a CEO does not absolve one from the truth. Biden entered politics in 1969 and Cheney entered in, oh wait, the same year.
Cheney never served in the military either. He was a supporter of the U.S. involvement in the war but did not serve in the military. That sounds familiar doesn’t it? Now what was the name for that? Oh yeah, Chickenhawk. And you guys made fun of John Kerry?
Also, your constant bleating about Alcho-Ted Kennedy makes your post invalid as Cheney was arrested for DWI two years in a row.
Now how do you spell it? Hy, Ho, or is it High pocrisy?
Love you man, but it is good to see that while China is paying AC_Dropout to make posts someone in North America is giving you money too.
Cheney had an approval rating even lower than Bush. He would never have been elected even if he ran. [/quote]
That’s what made him such a great VP. He cared about governance, and not a bit about his future political standing.
You really think Biden is more intelligent than Cheney? :roflmao: I would argue that Cheney has much more substantial government experience, and that’s not including the 5 years of real-life business experience of being a CEO of a top-performing company. Cheney moved around a lot more in government. He worked in the Office of Economic Opportunity with Rumsfeld under Nixon. Before entering the House in 1978 and becoming Defense Sec under Bush I , he held several positions including White House Staff Assistant in 1971, Assistant Director of the Cost of Living Council from 1971–73, and Deputy Assistant to the president from 1974–1975. What did Biden do before becoming VP? A senator since 1972, and one with a penchant for stealing speeches off of failed UK Labour politicians/putting his foot in his mouth when running abortive campaigns for the top position.
He was honest about it. He was attending school and he had kids, a wife, and elder parents to take care of. Did Kerry have the same responsibilities at an early age? No and that doesn’t really shock me given his own personal ego/self-centredness. His army colleagues certainly were able to see this and that’s why hardly any supported his presidential campaign in '04.
Cheney was 21 and 22, and no one was hurt. Kennedy was 37 when he murdered Mary Jo, who had been a boiler room campaign worker in RFK’s '68 campaign. She was passed around by the Kennedy brothers in the year up to the drowning, supposedly made pregnant by one of them, and then was left to drown by Teddy when the drunk drove his car off of a bridge. And this family is championed by labour in the US? Morons. :roflmao:
I’ve never been paid a dime by any political party or lobbying group in any country in any region of the world.
[quote=“Dr. McCoy”][quote=“TheGingerMan”]Who gives a fuck about Joe Biden?
Only those that wish he was Dick Cheney![/quote]
And those who are glad he is not.[/quote]
i suppose.
Yet, it’s once again, the very same side of that very same coin.
[color=#0040BF]Biden helped deliver Specter to the Democrats. [/color]
Any dumb things Biden says, and any comments we make about them, are totally irrelevant compared to the impact this 60th Senate vote will have over the next 8 years.