Joe Biden: U.S. President

punchline at 1:17 mark


It’s weird that he threw at the guy that his son served over there. He was a part-time reservist who got booted from the Navy for testing positive for Colombian scented flour. Not a good look to talk down a vet with that rejoinder.


If it’s relevant to a thread Ill talk about the MSM, this one is about Joe Biden, I usually post his interviews or prompter speeches, he just doesn’t do many of them. In his basement again yesterday.

Trump on the other hand does too many of them, I don’t post those because they get tiring, if he says something noteworthy I’ll post it, if someone else hasn’t beat me to it.

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Joe Biden accidentally reads talking points “topline” in local interview. How many “live” interviews has he been caught using a teleprompter now?


Teleprompter caught in reflection during “live” interview.

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Conclusion: @MikeN1 has an unhealthy Trump obsession. :astonished:

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The film features investigative journalist and author Peter Schweizer and Schweizer’s revelations of Chinese influence over the Biden family found in the 2018 book “Secret Empires” and the more recent “Profiles in Corruption” (both #1 New York Times bestsellers).

Yeah, I’m not much of a fan of Schweizer. If his book Clinton Cash had been even partly accurate, they’d be in jail. So…he’s going in the meh box along with the fat guy who used to make documentaries and now is more a cultural artifact akin to that french fries under glass that don’t break down forever.

Ugh, another Biden hit piece, while meaningless for today’s race, remains just classic Joe and quite hilarious.

However, I will add, blowing a lot of money is a great way to look stoopid and launder a lot of money…I mean Delaware and all.

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Talk to welcome, not me. In my post, I mentioned Joe Biden in comparison to Trump- welcome apparently doesn’t like such comparisons (can’t say as I blame him).
I don’t object to you- or anybody else- talking about related things in a thread. welcome says he finds your posting objectionable- unless of course he simply is being hypocritical in complaining about people mentioning things other than Biden in the Biden thread, but seeing nothing wrong with talking about related matters in the Trump thread. His standard is, I guess, “any praise of Trump anywhere is acceptable, any criticism is not”.

We’re not supposed to talk about Trump in this thread.

a nonprofit democracy group alleged :roll:

My apologies. I jumped the gun. It’s run by McCain era never Trumpers.

And now, Joe’s balls, cupped carefully by Forbes:

Finally, the reason Harris was chosen…to distract and deflect.

Trump lies! I won’t ban fracking!

Uhm, roll the tape.

Looks like he’s gave a speech in an empty field.

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he mistook the whistling trees for loud reporters and just wanted to get the flock out of there

Joe Biden practices social distancing in middle of a pandemic- the horror! If we were allowed to make comparisons with his opponent in this thread, I’d note that in contrast he continues to hold superspreader events.

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Been posting much about the BLM protests over the past 3 months @MikeN1 and the coronavirus? If not, why the double standard?

Hopefully this means he’ll be practicing social distancing from the presidency.

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Social distancing is a joke. Anyone who takes it seriously looks like a fool.

It is only mildly effective, and even Democrats know it (see BLM/antifa rioting).

As we learned last March (here on this website but also irl), a significant number of folks are badly frightened by covid19 - frightened to the point of acting irrationally. As far as I can tell that’s still true irl. I think social distancing is a small price to pay to help some folks out with their peace of mind.

What double standard? I’ve said numerous times the protests were bad for spreading the virus. As I pointed out, on the one hand, they were outdoors and most of the participants wore masks; OTOH they didn’t practice social distancing and the participants chanted and stayed for several hours.
At the latest Trump rally attendees didn’t practice social distancing, did practice chanting (“lock him up”), stayed for several hours and were indoors and mostly unmaked.