Joe Biden: U.S. President

You have Trump on the brain, man.

As for anyone’s devotion to any godhead, it’s their business. Judgers should stfu.

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Yep- in a two-person rivalry, I unfairly contrast the perspectives of the rival candidates.

Joe Biden falsely says his son Hunter’s laptop is a smear from Russia


And he didn’t grab Tara Reade’s pussy.

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Sometimes the conventional wisdom, even among voters, is right.

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Thomas Sowell
Anyone who studies the history of ideas should notice how much more often people on the political left, more so than others, denigrate and demonize those who disagree with them — instead of answering their arguments.
9:38 AM · Oct 31, 2020·Twitter for iPhone


Ad hominems are a declaration of intellectual bankruptcy.

Case in point. :wink:


It’s naive to give Trump credit for this. These changes have been happening since Trump was still fake firing people in celebrity apprentice. Companies have been flocking to Vietnam for years.

The TPP can and will. They will create a viable alternative to the Chinese market. The trade war will only hurt short term. Multilateral trade deals will isolate China and cut them off until they’re ready to properly play fairly

What’s your definition of short term?
The U.S.-China trade war started 3 months shy of 3 years ago.

I generally stay off the political threads, but seeing Thomas Sowell being quoted… well I just could not resist. I love his books. By any chance have you read “Wealth, Poverty, and Politics?” Great book… debunks so much garbage espoused by the left.


Short term. A few years at most

Sounds like my typical experience on forumosa. This site is so left! :rofl:


Orange man bad, all you Nazis.

Try Richard Rorty. He debunked it before it ballooned to what we have now.

Thanks, I will look him up.

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Only Philosophy as Cultural Politics, his last book. Most of his early works such as his most-cited Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature and Consequences of Pragmatism are straight-forward philosophical discussions. Some essays in Contigency, Irony, and Solidarity would count for this. Achieving Our Country: Leftist Thought in 20th Century America (Rorty was a strong leftist- though non-Marxist) goes deep into the weeds about its subject matter.

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I don’t think anyone who gets punked by Sacha Baron Cohen in 2020 should have a program called “Common Sense”. :joy: