Joe Biden: U.S. President

Nothing but the best on the Biden team.

Biden isn’t aware of what day it is or what city he’s in.

Bullshit. He’s a gd genius. He’s a tenth degree bore, but not an idiot at all.

Y’all see this yet?

CNN talks it through as though we’re all imbeciles.

The “sidebar” in the middle of the article is new. :laughing:

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I really want to make up a bingo game with joe’s go to phrases. “This is not hyperbole,” is my new fave.

So should we blame Joe Biden for ruining Christmas?

Whew-- Vox has spoken!

Uh oh, looks like Biden’s going with the big banks on student debt. What. A. Surprise.

Did you just assume his agency? :thinking:

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Just got up, not woke enough to get you. :idunno:

Try again after coffee. :wink:

Nothing but blue skies….

Listened to Psaki trying to defend this turd yesterday.

And this

Another saa-wing anna miss by Team Brandon

Testing low earth orbit hypersonic glide vehicles is extraordinarily dangerous. The U.S. has failed to directly complain to either Russia or China about the inherent risks generated by such tests and the danger the tests could be misinterpreted. If China in fact tested an ICBM-based hypersonic glide vehicle that “circled the earth” there can be little doubt that U.S. radars and space sensors saw the launch and followed the projectile. Did Washington cover up the entire matter, preferring not to confront the Chinese or reveal U.S. inadequacies in missile defenses?

Every effort being made to start a new arms race and Cold War 2.0.

Thanks, Brandon.

Ha, yea. I’m pretty sure they just designed and produced that in the last year. ;D

The Big Smear continues.

I apologize. I don’t want to reply to non replies, but do you think that little non sequitur negates the premise presented in the article or are you just toggling back and forth between work and the flob – which people are known to do. :idunno:

Wait, your “Thanks, Brandon” was meant to be some sort of meaningful, serious, relevant comment? ;D Well, in that case, the serious, extended reply is that this specific program has been in the works for years, and the hypersonic focus even longer. Complaining to China won’t do jack as the article seems to want us to do (and you too, as you quoted that particular point), because China has already denied that the reporting on it is accurate - and even if they didn’t, it still wouldn’t do jack, because (as mentioned) it’s something they’ve been long working on and see as a national priority.

And, um, the assertion that it’s extremely dangerous and the insinuation we should complain… the US tested the HTV-2 off a Minotaur IV, separating at an altitude of ~100 miles. Yeah…

No, my posting of the article was ipso facto, my comment. We’re in a new cold war arms race with China and I don’t see it as a good thing. I also don’t see Biden doing much to prevent an all out arms race from ensuing, and the US’s recent weapon test flop makes me feels even more strongly that the race will pick up speed. …or did you think I was just being political? :neutral_face:

Yes, I think you were just being political, based on your use of the Brandon meme, the fact this glide vehicle isn’t new, that you’ve previously downplayed the impact of hypersonic weapons, and that you didn’t reply to any of follow-up points after I found out you were serious ;D.

Your previous lack of concern about Chinese hypersonic weapons:

your lack of concern about Russian hypersonic missiles: