Joe Biden: U.S. President

Holy crap, do I have to?

Between AOC and MTG?


Either that or a curry night out with @BiggusDickus !



Isn’t Omar or Boebert around?

That’s for the second round of drinks.

Mix-and-match across the left/right divide for bonus points!


I thought you said “a drink”.

I’d do curry with her, but only as a favor.

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I’ve no idea about the context, but curry is always a winner.


AOC for sure. She’s my favorite…


I was going to say one drink with neither. 10 with AOC


She was a bartender, so you know she knows how to party. MTG would probably try to take you to a church social or something.

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I don’t know, she may say that but she looks pretty wild.


OK, I’ll leave the kink to you… :sweat_smile:


I’ve been giggling all day at this photo:


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Hunter, the Chinese chick and crackhead diplomacy.

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CCTV: The US is concerned because China and Russia share a vision, the Spokesperson for the US Department of State Ned Price said. What’s your comment?

Wang Wenbin: The China-Russia relationship is built on the basis of non-alignment, non-confrontation and non-targeting at any third party. It is a factor conducive to world peace and stability, which is no cause for concern. What is truly concerning is the destructive role the US has played to peace and stability in the world.

The US is the No.1 warmonger in the world. The US was not at war for only 16 years throughout its 240-plus years of history. The US accounted for about 80 percent of all post-WWII armed conflicts.

The US is also the No.1 violator of sovereignty and interferer in the internal affairs of other countries. According to reports, since the end of WWII, the US has sought to subvert more than 50 foreign governments, grossly interfered in elections in at least 30 countries and attempted assassination on over 50 foreign leaders.

The US is also the No.1 source of antagonism and bloc confrontation. The US-led NATO is responsible for wars on Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria that killed more than 900,000 and created 37 million refugees. It has also made the Eurasia continent a less stable place. The impact of US-initiated Quad and AUKUS on Asia-Pacific security and stability also calls for vigilance.

As long as US hegemonism and belligerence still exists, the rest of world will hardly get the peace it deserves.

This week, I’ll show Americans my full budget vision to invest in America, lower costs, grow the economy and not raise taxes on anyone making under $400,000. I urge my Republican friends in Congress to do the same — and show the American people what they value.

He’ll say it’s for extending Medicare, but in reality it’s funding the personal pensions of Ukraine government, taxing US pensions for blue and yellow’s benefit.

Well the boomers are dying so there’s the savings right there. Welp

“My plan for fixing Medicare is to use other people’s money to pay their fair share of your medical bills.”

That’s the same plan Democrats have for fixing the ballooning federal deficit and out of control national debt. I’m just wondering if Democrats have ever sat down and calculated whether there really is enough other people’s money to finance all their grandiose plans.