Joe Biden: U.S. President

I guess it’s kind of true for some people who just see all asians as the same. But not sure thats what you want to say. People are rightfully mad at China. This whole thing has been traumatizing.

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Biden is right, most Americans don’t/can’t distinguish between different Asians, they’re not educated well enough. Trump is the one who has done damage to the asian american community, knowing this full well and not hesitating to be a racist, nationalist d-bag anyway, because he’s desperate.

Also in the US, the average Joe is not angry at China, not in the way Trump wants them to be at least. They see his nationalistic attempt to cover up his own incompetence for what it is; A bridge too far.

Wow, this reads like an editorial in the Global Times. Well done.


Correct. Americans should learn to divide people, not only by their physical characteristics, but, also by their ethnicity. Biden has the right idea, educate Americans to distinguish people by their first order traits.

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Yes, at least by current day Democrat standards. Identity first, everything else after. Start with skin color, and the process flows down from there.

Not a lot of change since 1865, our Dems. Colors change, sure, but not their longstanding urge to encode grotesque bigotry into law or, failing that, US culture.

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Is that why conservative media obsesses over culture wars while the rest of the world is focused on the virus and the economy? Because democrats are obsessed with identity? You’ll have a hard time finding any link to 1865. Although I’m sure that’s just to score points and ignore the modern shift in the republican party.

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Probably useful if Republicans continue to hold power. When the president talks about shithole countries, or calls immigrants rapists or drug-smugglers, or goes on about ‘kung flu’, you’ll have to be able to identify which specific group the Two-Minute Hate is directed against (I hear with Mexicans you’re supposed to look for the grapefruit-sized calves).

It’s been about 5 years since Trump made those remarks, I’m not sure why some people haven’t learnt the difference between an immigrant and an illegal immigrant. You can certainly take issue with what he said and the way he said it.

But immigrants, they come to a country legally, like through the front door, or a port of entry, with paperwork filled out. Safely too.

Illegal immigrants need to team up with cartels who don’t care what is legal or illegal to get into the country, many (as high as 60%) of women being raped. See here As the article goes on to say.

Perpetrators of crimes against these migrants are often those involved with people smuggling, known as coyotaje.

The cartels who are responsible for raping women are also the same people trafficking children and drugs. Because they don’t care what is legal and illegal, you should care to make that distinction though.

Maybe you can explain why some on the left don’t learn to make the distinction? It can’t be because it makes for a compelling argument, it just makes the person writing it seem ill informed. But it’s the same conflation they do all the time, “peaceful protesters” vs “people rioting”. Is it thought that people won’t see through the stupidity of the comment?


Yeah it’s a big reason Trump was elected, making the line between legal and illegal shine bright and clear.

It also makes Trump more consistent than the Dems might like, since he’s now expanding the 2016 law and order campaign to include the murders, arsons, and physical muggings taking place now under the friendly auspices of BLM.

Guess we’ll see if Nixon’s Silent Majority lives still in the USA.


Biden was roundly criticized for his remark that Trump is the first racist president.

No one roundly criticized him for being wildly offensive towards “Asians?” Or Americans for that matter. “All Asians look alike” is what he’s saying.

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Listen, that’s all nice and all, however, there’s little doubt that Conservatives play the immigrant bad card to either explain away economic woes to knuckleheads or to stir the pot before elections. It’s a stoopid trope and they should stop.

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Once again conservatives go for the movie version instead of reality which is more nuanced. Most illegal immigrants are from overstays not illegal border crossings with cartel funded coyotes.

“Since more than one half of all US undocumented residents arrive by air, visa-issuing posts have become the real frontline deterrent to undocumented migration,” the study concludes. “This report suggests that more attention and resources should be given to that crucial mission of the US Department of State.”

If you can’t run on your own accomplishments, continue to run on fear mongering and race baiting even though the chaos you are trying to use to your advantage happened under your term. That is not a new strategy for Republicans.

You would actually have to win a majority to claim a “silent majority”. Let’s stop pretending he had some massive mandate or there was a widespread movement. He lost by 3M people on record low voter turnout. Imagine what happens on a good day. 30% of the country on the most far right fringe, does not a movement make.

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Tell that to China.

Have you considered the nuance of how this affects different states?

When I talk to people in NY, they usually say something like this. Because for them, they aren’t impacted like people like me in Texas. Every time I go back the cartel moves in more and more. It used to be only down south, but they have more and more influence now in Dallas. People know which clubs are cartel ran, and they’re ironically usually very safe as no one fucks around in those places.

Dallas is now flooded with meth and fent/heroin. This wasn’t the case when I was in HS. You couldn’t find them easily, now it’s so easy to find. It’s not coming from the ports, the days of the mafia are gone. Cartel run shit now. A lot of it is coming from the border, we all know it. I’ve lost so many friends to this, I’m tired of it. Can you get the nuance of why people want more border security and a wall to try to put a dent on this?

And most illegals are not visa over stayers by flight in Texas, I can tell you that.

Urmm, Im not conservative and it’s pretty rich talking about nuance when explaining the difference between immigrants and illegal immigrants was the point of my post.

@mups it seems doesnt know the difference do you @Malasang88 ? Might help to establish a foundation before we talk about “nuance”.

I went to high school in El Paso and still have family there originally from Chihuahua and Ciudad Juarez so I am acutely aware of how immigration has impacted Texas. You’re talking about a city that is 70% Hispanic, right on the border, and one of the safest in the country. I also lived Phoenix and you would be hard pressed to find any violence related the cartel unless you were smuggling drugs.

"Its necessity given the many other enforcement tools — video surveillance, drones, ground sensors, and radar technologies — and Border Patrol personnel, that cover the US-Mexico border: former DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff and other experts have argued that a wall does not add enforcement value except in heavy crossing areas near towns, highways, or other “vanishing points” (Kerwin 2016)

This report speaks to another reason to question the necessity and value of a 2,000-mile wall: It does not reflect the reality of how the large majority of persons now become undocumented. It finds that two-thirds of those who arrived in 2014 did not illegally cross a border, but were admitted (after screening) on non-immigrant (temporary) visas, and then overstayed their period of admission or otherwise violated the terms of their visas. Moreover, this trend in increasing percentages of visa overstays will likely continue into the foreseeable future.

California has the largest number of overstays (890,000), followed by New York (520,000), Texas (475,000), and Florida (435,000)."

Drugs have always been there. Fentanyl is relatively new trend with a high mortality hence the opiod crisis. But fact remains that most drugs come through legal ports of entry not brought through illegal border crossing. Therefore wall = ineffective, ridiculous and stupid idea.

Just more fear mongering and race baiting. Was this really the most important issue facing the country in 2016 when illegal immigration was trending down? I think not.

In 2016 Asian-Americans voted 79% for Clinton, 12% for Trump; Biden seems to be holding that. Asian-Americans are on the whole a solid Democrat bloc; we’ll have to see if perceptions of China change that in any substantial way. So far, it hasn’t.

We are not discussing immigration, we are discussion illegal immigration.

But they are also coming from the border…so why not secure it more? The article you posted also said more spending is going to the ports as well to fight this. I don’t see why you can’t do both. And it doesn’t include illegal immigration crossings. Which is another issue.

Obama kicked a whole lot of illegals out.

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And as I said you’d be hard pressed to find any evidence of cartel violence driving illegal immigration in one of the safest cities in America, yet the only major city to my knowledge that is not majority white. You’d think it would be an epicenter of violence being right on the border…it’s not.

So you if have finite resources, you are going to dedicate countless billions of dollars to a wall that will be largely ineffective? We live in the 21 century FFS.

Ironic isn’t it? Drones, increased border patrol. Modem technology and methods, imagine that. Didn’t even need a wall to do it, but go ahead and try to get a Trumpster to admit that.