The State that I am in

The story of the fragmentation of the Air爱breathe into 24+ pieces Air A – Air Z + ‘the whest’ is perhaps a peculiar one.

It started of course with the separation of Air-Ah in 1921. Then following from the great finance-nonsensical depression in 2021 Air-bnb withdrew.

Air-Bnb was a union of Air-bnb owners who opposed the levying of taxes by Air-Ah, and withdrew with the backing of ‘the banks’.

Air-Ah distracted by a fiver allowed the withdrawal of 2,451 online bookable residences from “the state that I am in”.

Air-bnb has been since ruled by ‘the teashop’ an air-bnb and café located on the Dingle Dangle peninsula. Outraged at the break up of the union, and the increasing post capitalist liberlaisim of the banks Air-C withdrew in 2023 to set up a post communistical peoples republic roughly corresponding with the boundaries of the county of Cork. Then on Christmas day of the same year the Republic of Air-D was declared as Dubland made its strike for freedom. The peculiar thing about Dubland is that it is the only one of the O’Airs-A through Z’s that does not refer to its self simply as “Ireland” in the MacDublish language. All of the other Air-A through Z’s are officially called “Ireland”.

Air-E was an Ireland based principally around parts of the town of Enistymon, Air-F smaller still, and then things began to become peculiar with the emergence of Ireland on a macro scale. Air-m was a municipal swimming pool in Galway, Air-n was a packet of soup, and Aer-o was of course a chocolate bar, located in the teashop. Of course the macro airs did complicate things, getting a visa just to go swimming or to have a cup of tea became a consternation, especially considering that the people working in the various departments of visa confusions cound’nt remember their own names, let alone answer a telephone call or stamp a passport within twenty years of receiving it, some of the immigration authorities didn’t even have paper or computers. Thus the development of the Irelands began to slow somewhat and performing ordinary daily routines became difficult. However that was nothing compared to the complications that began to emerge with the withdrawal of the nano airs. Air-p was a protein, and invisible as it was it was quite present in certain brands of bread, and thus it became often necessary to get a visa in order to eat a sandwich. This of course lead to the practice of disguising bread by breaking it up and molding it into the shape of rice. Air-Q was a quark. It was located in an atom that was itself located in the skull of a farmers dog. That same farmer lived with his dog in a territory that was disputed between no less than fourteen Irelands and great political ramifications would emerge every time the dog wagged its tail, let alone ran around on the mountain to bring in the sheep. These were of course complicated times and lead of course inevitably towards the sad tale of “the annoyances” in the whest.

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