Kaohsiung / Tainan FET program 2021

I’m looking for the recruitment information for Kaohsiung and Tainan for the fall semester ( August/ September, 2021).

I talked to a recruiter (Teach Taiwan) and they said they only have the north of Taiwan. Does anyone know who is running the recruitment for the elementary and high schools in the south?
Do you have to apply through the government FET ministry of Education?

@sasha_dramagirl, you might be interested in following this thread

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Apply directly to the FET program on the website: http://fetmoe.eng.ntnu.edu.tw. Tell them where you want to teach.

They’re pretty flexible once you’re an FET (pretty sure anyone with a teaching license and an English country passport gets in), though sometimes you have to track people down. I, for one, never received any correspondence from the FET program for my first two years, because they were going through the bureaucratic channels to my school, who never told me.

Thank you so much!

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