Kayaking in Taipei

I’m looking for a canoe/kayaking club in Taipei. I play canoe polo, and as I’ll be in the city for 2 months this summer I’d like to find somewhere to train/people to go paddling with… anyone got any contacts for me?!

Not sure you’ll find much of that activity here. I have seen very, very little canoeing or kayaking in Taiwan, whether in Taipei or otherwise. Where it does exist, it is supposedly club-based vs. rentals, etc. Several limitations here, but in Taipei specifically, water cleanliness is quite low.

Here’s a link for an organization that seems predominately concerned with dragonboat races. The prime time for annual dragonboat races here has just passed, but they might have some info for you:

canoeicf.com/db/clubdisplay. … up&ID=1055

EDIT: Found one more link, likely more promising and applicable - the Adventure Kayak Club. Though it shows a map of places all over Taiwan, only the Taipei link seems active on its page. If you click that “Taipei” link, a small description mentions a town called “Wulai”. It is on the southern outskirts of Taipei. Quite a beautiful place to hike, swim, or take a dip in a free, public hotspring by the side of the river.


Good luck.

Down where I live at Bitan I often see one or two people in the lake using those ultra-maneuverable short canoes. I guess they must be similar to polo ones. I think it’s some kind of a club. They’re also often out in the long straight-line racing ones. But its not a very popular sport here.

I can’t help you in Taipei, but if you don’t have any luck finding any there, I can set you up with kayaks in Taidong. Might be a good weekend get-away from the big city. PM me if your interested.

Thanks very much for your help guys! I’m waiting to hear back from the adventure kayak guy, hopefully they’ll have contacts…

[quote=“katie b”]I’m waiting to hear back from the adventure kayak guy, hopefully they’ll have contacts…
I emailed them today as well, to see if they have a website. No reply yet.

On some weeknights (at 8, 9ish) I see kayakers practicing in the pool on the northeast corner of Dunhua and Bade. Might be a club or school team.

Try: www.kayak.com.tw

Call them and ask for a guy named John. He’s the boss, speaks good English, and will set you in the right direction. If it’s related to kayaking, he’ll have an answer for ya.

I know he imports more kayaks than anyone else on the island. Actually, scratch that. I think he’s the ONLY importer. And he also supplies the local polo teams, of which, there are many.

Tell him Mark sent you.

Good luck.

I emailed a Taiwanese friend who is very knowledgable about the island (he leads hikes, and is part of a large hiking and river tracing club). He is in Korea now but sent me this link. It’s all in Chinese but he said he can introduce you to the association when he gets back. He speaks English.


Hey, everyone:

I am a local and have been doing all these white and blue water kayaking for a while. I know all the clubs and people you guys mentioned. Try to reach me on 0922-886-096 or davidbarkleyli@hotmail.com Check out the kayaking photos on my MSN space.


hope you find what you want


we offer kayaking and beginner courses near taipei (pinglin) check out www.cloud9tw.com

There is a set up called Cloud Nine. Not sure of the web address. I think there is a link on a site called webspar.com.tw. They have a full set up for weekend camping and kayaking. They have somebody doing training courses in English there now as well. For the not so brave they even have tubing. It is run by a guy called Andre.

Same as above

Beginner Kayaking Course

Hi there,

We will be presenting our first white water kayaking courses of the year at Cloud9 Adventure Camp in PingLin on the weekends of 10/11 and 17/18 March 2007. We are proud to present one of the top extreme kayakers in Asia who will be hosting the course for this period only.

Courses will start at 10am on Saturday and finish at 5pm on Sunday.

Price 5000Nt per person

Price includes
 Accommodation in Lounge or bring a tent (bring your own sleeping bag)
 4 meals . Saturday- lunch and dinner (BBQ), Sunday – breakfast and lunch.
 All equipment included. (kayak, helmet, paddle, life vest and spray deck)

Bookings are essential as we will allow small groups only to ensure personal attention.

After the course
We now rent out kayaking equipment on a daily basis to those who want to kayak on weekends and not want to purchase their own.

Your Instructor

Jason Younkin
30 yr old American
Kayak Instructor 6 years
River guide 10 years
River guide instructor 5 years
Certified wilderness first responder
Certified Swiftwater Rescue Tech 1
Owner and Founder of Siam River Adventures co.,Ltd. in Chaing Mai ,
Thailand. www.siamrivers.com
Jason has been working and paddling in Asia since 2000. He has
completed first and second Raft Descents in Thailand, Laos and Japan and has worked with numerous Adventure travel companies throughout the region.
Jason is also a founding member of R.A.F.T. In Thailand, an organization trying to set the standards for the sport of whitewater Rafting and Kayaking in Thailand. Currently Siam River Adventures Co.,Ltd. is the only kayak
instruction center in Thailand and perhaps in the region. Every year they
instruct more than 100 People in the safe techniques of whitewater
kayaking and rafting.

Course Outline

Day 1:
• Boat & equipment familiarization & fitting
• Safety equipment familiarization

• Paddle strokes
Forward stroke
Back stroke
Forward sweep stroke

• Bracing
High brace
Low brace
Effective paddle area

• Wet exits
• Active vs. passive swimming techniques
• Throw bag drills
• Basic river terminology
Day 2:
• Continue working on Paddle strokes & Bracing Techniques
• Ruddering

• T – Rescue
Hip snap Drills

• How to recognize “eddies”
• Breaking in and out of “eddies”
• How to recognize dangerous obstacles

• River dynamics
River characteristics

Surface features
standing waves
diagonal waves
Breaking waves
rooster tails

• Holes
We will also include an introduction to rolling techniques and present a rolling clinic at a later date.

email andre@cloud9tw.com
Cell 0911126337

Beginner Kayaking Course

Hi there,

We will be presenting our first white water kayaking courses of the year at Cloud9 Adventure Camp in PingLin on the weekends of 10/11 and 17/18 March 2007. We are proud to present one of the top extreme kayakers in Asia who will be hosting the course for this period only.

Courses will start at 10am on Saturday and finish at 5pm on Sunday.

Price 5000Nt per person

Price includes
 Accommodation in Lounge or bring a tent (bring your own sleeping bag)
 4 meals . Saturday- lunch and dinner (BBQ), Sunday – breakfast and lunch.
 All equipment included. (kayak, helmet, paddle, life vest and spray deck)

Bookings are essential as we will allow small groups only to ensure personal attention.

After the course
We now rent out kayaking equipment on a daily basis to those who want to kayak on weekends and not want to purchase their own.

Your Instructor

Jason Younkin
30 yr old American
Kayak Instructor 6 years
River guide 10 years
River guide instructor 5 years
Certified wilderness first responder
Certified Swiftwater Rescue Tech 1
Owner and Founder of Siam River Adventures co.,Ltd. in Chaing Mai ,
Thailand. www.siamrivers.com
Jason has been working and paddling in Asia since 2000. He has
completed first and second Raft Descents in Thailand, Laos and Japan and has worked with numerous Adventure travel companies throughout the region.
Jason is also a founding member of R.A.F.T. In Thailand, an organization trying to set the standards for the sport of whitewater Rafting and Kayaking in Thailand. Currently Siam River Adventures Co.,Ltd. is the only kayak
instruction center in Thailand and perhaps in the region. Every year they
instruct more than 100 People in the safe techniques of whitewater
kayaking and rafting.

Course Outline

Day 1:
• Boat & equipment familiarization & fitting
• Safety equipment familiarization

• Paddle strokes
Forward stroke
Back stroke
Forward sweep stroke

• Bracing
High brace
Low brace
Effective paddle area

• Wet exits
• Active vs. passive swimming techniques
• Throw bag drills
• Basic river terminology
Day 2:
• Continue working on Paddle strokes & Bracing Techniques
• Ruddering

• T – Rescue
Hip snap Drills

• How to recognize “eddies”
• Breaking in and out of “eddies”
• How to recognize dangerous obstacles

• River dynamics
River characteristics

Surface features
standing waves
diagonal waves
Breaking waves
rooster tails

• Holes
We will also include an introduction to rolling techniques and present a rolling clinic at a later date.

email andre@cloud9tw.com
Cell 0911126337

Beginner Kayaking Course

Hi there,

We will be presenting our first white water kayaking courses of the year at Cloud9 Adventure Camp in PingLin on the weekends of 10/11 and 17/18 March 2007. We are proud to present one of the top extreme kayakers in Asia who will be hosting the course for this period only.

Courses will start at 10am on Saturday and finish at 5pm on Sunday.

Price 5000Nt per person

Price includes
 Accommodation in Lounge or bring a tent (bring your own sleeping bag)
 4 meals . Saturday- lunch and dinner (BBQ), Sunday – breakfast and lunch.
 All equipment included. (kayak, helmet, paddle, life vest and spray deck)

Bookings are essential as we will allow small groups only to ensure personal attention.

After the course
We now rent out kayaking equipment on a daily basis to those who want to kayak on weekends and not want to purchase their own.

Your Instructor

Jason Younkin
30 yr old American
Kayak Instructor 6 years
River guide 10 years
River guide instructor 5 years
Certified wilderness first responder
Certified Swiftwater Rescue Tech 1
Owner and Founder of Siam River Adventures co.,Ltd. in Chaing Mai ,
Thailand. www.siamrivers.com
Jason has been working and paddling in Asia since 2000. He has
completed first and second Raft Descents in Thailand, Laos and Japan and has worked with numerous Adventure travel companies throughout the region.
Jason is also a founding member of R.A.F.T. In Thailand, an organization trying to set the standards for the sport of whitewater Rafting and Kayaking in Thailand. Currently Siam River Adventures Co.,Ltd. is the only kayak
instruction center in Thailand and perhaps in the region. Every year they
instruct more than 100 People in the safe techniques of whitewater
kayaking and rafting.

Course Outline

Day 1:
• Boat & equipment familiarization & fitting
• Safety equipment familiarization

• Paddle strokes
Forward stroke
Back stroke
Forward sweep stroke

• Bracing
High brace
Low brace
Effective paddle area

• Wet exits
• Active vs. passive swimming techniques
• Throw bag drills
• Basic river terminology
Day 2:
• Continue working on Paddle strokes & Bracing Techniques
• Ruddering

• T – Rescue
Hip snap Drills

• How to recognize “eddies”
• Breaking in and out of “eddies”
• How to recognize dangerous obstacles

• River dynamics
River characteristics

Surface features
standing waves
diagonal waves
Breaking waves
rooster tails

• Holes
We will also include an introduction to rolling techniques and present a rolling clinic at a later date.

email andre@cloud9tw.com
Cell 0911126337

This is for those in Southern Taiwan, or those brave enough to venture down here!

At Barking Deer Adventures in Tainan we can bring you on a pretty tame trip by Kayak through the mangroves/oysterbeds. It may not be wild white water stuff but there is usually lots to see. barking-deer.com/citypaddle.htm

We have explored various rivers/streams/lakes in the area. Lots of potential good trips (and action), but nothing we dare to promote at the moment - for various reasons (safety, consistency, legality etc). Will keep you posted.