KFC Gravy

Where can you find honest to goodness gravy for KFC? How come they don’t serve gravy with KFC chicken here? To add insult to injury, it seems the Hot and Spicy versions win out over my beloved Original Recipe!

Y’all can have all that stuff, but where can I get my gravy?!? Thank goodness they haven’t phased out the Original Recipe chicken.

Try this: http://www.topsecretrecipes.com/recipes/kfcgravy.htm

If it works, you can bring along some on your next visit to the Colonel’s

I remember this. The second “guest” was me :slight_smile:
Looks like that link is dead – here’s a live one:

The Kuting KFC serves orginal until 8pm.

Don’t TOUCH that stuff!

As a student I had a part-time jom working at KenChucky’s and vividly remember how they made the gravy… powder + kitchen slops + water +extra kitchen slops (to hide the imperfections).

Yuk!! :shock: